The sound of the palace coming to life around the young fae is enough to rouse him from his light slumber. His eyes peel open slowly and a faint rush of magic tumbles of of him out of habit. [i]'It is good to know who is watching before you make a move, no matter what you were doing before'[/i] It was one of the instructions that stuck with him the strongest and after taking stock of those within the range of his low grade magic he rises slowly beneath the covers. The fall away like a tumbling waterfall to reveal his pale flesh, the dim light of the morning still so low as to not reach his room, but enough for him to see by perfectly. His eyes trail about the room once and with a faint cough he begins stretching. [i]'The prince is not yet awake'[/i] he notes as his body arches this way and that on the, relative to his own bed, vast mattress. Deciding to stay in his room until either the prince leaves his or sends for him, Rei wanders over to the fireplace and begins picking at the small woodpile beside it. A small touch of life had entered it since he fell asleep, and as his curiosity has little else to amuse it at this time he decides to dig the insect out. It takes some time, being careful not to squish it, but when at last he finds the little beetle he simply stares at it for a time. The bug is simple, but shiny, and Rei wonders what makes it shine. He scoops it up carefully and wanders over to the window with it held tightly in his palm. The little scrabbling legs feels odd on his flesh but as soon as the window is open he dumps the bug outside and doesn't give it another thought. Instead he closes the window and begins getting ready for the day. Undoing his headband he fixes his hair best he can, the strands naturally untangling to settle flat against his head in the back while the fringe up front take a little more work to get it to stop frizzing on him. When at last he feels set he ties the cloth back on over his ears and pulls on the pants provided him by the prince. Just as he finishes fastening the clasp he feels a presence coming in close to his door. He'd ignored all those passing by, but this one has slowed and is less than an arm's length away. [i]'Calm. They may be here with good reason'[/i] Not waiting for the being to knock he strides over silently and pulls the door open carefully. The maid on the other side jumps slightly, pressing her free hand over her chest. She looks older than himself, should he be any judge of human aging, and the startled look in her eyes surrounded by light brown hair, barely held in place by a white maid bonnet, makes he look much like a frightened deer. He stands still, his eyes dropping to the thing held steady in one hand and with a soft whiff he confirms that she is indeed here for a good reason. He other hand comes down to hold the side of the silver platter covered with a matching hood and she does her best to brush off her fright. “Forgive me sir, if I be disturbing you, but the cook sent me up with your breakfast and to retrieve the dinner ware from last night. I wasn't sure you would be a wake, but I suppose you be a light sleep. With your line of work and all.” Rei raises an eyebrow, curious for an instant what she may mean by her words, however she resolves his confusion quickly, seeing his questioning look. “A bodyguard sir. Must need to be able to respond quickly, no?” Her voice is a bit high, obviously still a bit flustered, but Rei ignores that fact and steps aside. With the hand not holding the door he gestures to the table where his dinner sits still mostly uneaten. She nods and walks past quickly. Rei's attention however is drawn to yet another passing his door. The young man is taller than he, like many a human male, but it is the look in his eyes that has Rei following him down the hall towards the prince's room. [i]'That is his manservant, I recall his face'[/i] The boy had met his eye as he passed, his hands likewise laden with what looks to be a meal, but he paid little mind to that, more occupied with Rei's steady gaze. [i]'He seems interested, but not flighty like most of the others from the night before. More curious, and perhaps a little happy'[/i] He cocks his head as he steps back into the room fully and turns his attention to the woman as she finishes her task. [i]'Though why he would be happy. . . .'[/i] Not one for thinking much of such things Rei lets the woman out without a word and wanders over to his breakfast tray. Setting the bell aside he scoops up the berries right away and checks them over carefully before popping a few in his mouth. The ham he removes from the warm metal, setting it aside on a cloth so it will cool faster, and after staring at it a while he plucks off a small piece of cheese and tastes it with the tip of his tongue. He shakes his head. [i]'As I figured'[/i] Setting it aside he lets out a sigh. Those who raised him had tried hard to get him to eat cheese, claiming it's good for growth or something like that, however Rei never managed to develop a taste for it. He thought that perhaps the rich people's cheese may taste better than the stuff the other assassins had tried to feed him, however it still doesn't suit his palate. Popping the last few berries in his mouth he wanders over to the bed to finish dressing. A faint tingle lets him know the prince is up and moving around, the servant in close proximity to him. Sensing no hostility he sets to cooling the meat so he can eat it. He enjoys hot food, but for meat, it has to be cool, or even better, cold, before he finds it tasty. Eating a bit of bread he checks and re-checks his clothes and hat to make sure everything looks alright, the process a little slow without the aid of a mirror, however he makes due with the glass of his window. By the time he's finished the ham is cool enough and he takes a seat on his bed, the meat still on the cloth so his pants do not get dirty, and he sets into it slowly, his sharp canines slicing through the meat easily. ~~~~*~~~~ I don't know who asked that last question, because if it was the boy, then the prince is answering and my post ends here, and if it was the prince asking, then I would ask if you wanted me to respond for the guy. :P