[B][U]Odette Dances[/U][/B] The Room is dark and smoky as guttering candles burn in sconces high on the walls. Odette steps upon the sand of the dancer's circle and assumes the pose of the captured slave wrists held high above her head forming an X her feet crossed at the ankles. Her body gleams polished by the scented oils covering her naked skin. The fact that she shows no hesitation or awareness of her surroundings displays that she is a true slave. Her eyes half open seem to gaze into something no one else can see as she waits to begin. She seems oblivious to their hungry stares as she begins with the first pulse of the drums that send a primal feel through the air. Her fingers flare open as her hips thrust out an circle in the form of a figure eight. Her oiled belly muscles undulate as her body begins moving in an almost serpentine fashion. She is a puppet of the drummers and the rhythm they hammer out her eyes appearing to dream rather than see even her full lips half open as she breaths are part of her presentation. For several minutes the drums hold her prisoner causing her to sweat an gyrate wildly as if she were suddenly in a primal frenzy. When they finish she bows gracefully then retreats to her Kennel where she collapses in exhaustion. Her body servant a young turned girl rushes to her and begins cleaning her off. The girl still wears the frightened and disgusted expression many newly turned slaves wear when beholding Odette. They can't an don't wish to understand her afraid that if they do then they will lose a battle they've already lost, they are slaves. Little do they know that the freedom they crave is only found in death or in service. Odette is a true slave and knows a freedom they are afraid of, she has value. She is a work of art an breeding and unlike the turned treasured for her breeders an Master went to great trouble to create her. The turned may be cast aside or destroyed on whim for they have little accountable value. Odette is protected an knows that even when her body begins to fail as a dancer and entertainer that she'll be selected as a brood mother so that she might bring forth others like herself. She looks at her body servant an smiles as she says [B]"Do I trouble you so much girl?"[/B] The girl proves her intelligence by holding her tongue. [B]"You think I am lower than you but it is you who serves me. You are a lovely girl and if you would only give yourself could show some worth"[/B] says Odette softly [B]"An be like you? A tame pet with no will of her own?"[/B] says her body servant in an angry tone Odette's powerful legs suddenly wrap around the young girl's waist as she captures her hands in an iron grip [B]"I am a true slave girl and valued by my Master, if I wished I could squeeze the breath from you and my Master barely notice. Some of my sisters would have by this time after having tired of your misplaced thoughts of who is the superior here. I actually like you, I enjoy your form and see a dancer trapped within and would love to make you more valuable to my Master. Don't take this as a display of weakness but as one of frugality and endurance.[/B] Odette gives the girl a tight squeeze knocking the wind from her then leans back relaxing The turned girl stands no chance against Odette's superior physical form because unlike the ferals true slaves eat better and are therefore more powerful because of it. Still as powerful as Odette and other trues are she is as weak as a babe compared to the Masters an Mistress an she knows this and hopes to impress this on the girl.