In the current time, things of mystery and fantasy are just that-fantasy. At least to most people. For some, it was completely real, most had the magic of science, the thing that brought so many inventions, the car, the mobile phone, the wacky world wide web that gave just about everyone access to information that would otherwise have had to hunt up in a library, or some other way of finding it out. In a modern day world were medicine could cure or prevent a majority of illnesses and disease, things like mages, or vampires were stories, tales told to kids for amusement. As the young girl, Kalinda with her golden hair, and almost silver eyes, was about to find out, the world of vampires was completely real, and very very complicated. The small girl was curled up, slumbering, her expression was pained, as if her dreams were tormented with fears. [i]as the...there was no other world for it, vampire, sucked the blood from her neck in excruciating pain, Kalinda was too exhausted to fight. It felt as if her veins were on fire, and she could feel the blood being pulled against the flow, out of her body and into the vampire's mouth. She had just been wanting a night of fine, and now this. She let out a soft sob. Finally, finally, the vampire seemed finished with her, and she thought she might just escape alive, thought she could just forget this night...and then it seemed to get worse...and that was all she remembered[/i] She groaned as she drifted into consciousness. While her sleep had been disturbing, she felt better asleep then awake. And yet she was sure she could hear someone nearby. Paranoid after her dream, after what she was sure was her night out, she flinched, and sat up fast, causing her head to spin, opening her eyes, and letting them dart about quickly to try and see if there was any danger. Her body seemed to react on its own, curling up to make as small a target as possible, even as she readied herself to spring into action. A low growling hiss escaped her throat, and she wondered where that had come from. She had never made such a sound in her life.