[center]South West, Chris[/center] Chris swore as he took in the ruins of the tank from his new position, though he supposed it didn’t really matter as it was all quiet on the South Western front for now. Things were pretty strange out here, and the fog seemed to be closing in, as if it were a living organism itself. Holding the edge of his cover with his shotgun at the ready, he let his allies catch up long enough that the mech [i]playing music[/i] actually had time to overtake him, before it was confronted by an allied tank diving out of the fog. Unsurprisingly, it looked like it had been through hell, and they threw their radio on almost the moment they arrived. [i]Biologists, woman’s name, in an APC, blue lady, don’t shoot them, hurry, got it.[/i] Chris slung past his cover, prepared to blast away anything lying in wait which might have been sneaking up on him. Presuming he was clear, he then quickly strafed to the tank, finding it increasingly unlikely that they were going to be shot with the fog just ahead of them and obvious mutant activity being prevalent in the area. Then, Nathaniel decided to grow some real big balls and charge forward, and Chris was forced to consider his options. “Fuck it, I want that bonus.” He cursed quietly. “Covering you.” He said a little louder to Nathaniel as he ploughed on ahead. The Grunt pursued his mutant comrade a few meters to his right and behind him, though he made slightly better use of cover on the way to the APC (and relied on his superior conditioning to keep up) and prepared to shoot any bodies which moved a little more than usual, as well as anything that wasn’t them or a mech.