[quote=babbysama] SORRY everybody for the delay, I had to attend two weddings and had Mother's Day to deal with. Luckily I'm done with that for now. Here's my CS. Please critique! Still a few things I've got to update over time like the biography. I'm actually wondering a few things which I kind of highlighted in the CS. For instance, in this world horses aren't used; what would be an acceptable analogue, specifically for mounted combat? Also, has the Vigil offered monetary reward or hired mercenaries for their mission, or is it simply inspired by personal zeal? Probably should have asked about this before making my character a mercenary, though I can change it around fairly easily. [/quote] Hello, sorry for the late reply both Saber and I were busy. I like your character, actually and there's nothing to critic. Though you have one thing backwards, traditionally everyone but the people of the Hattavori had horses. They had the Southern dragons, the stritai for use(if you had the choose of a horse or a dragon made perfectly for the desert, what would you chose?). Now they've converted to using horses as the stritai have gone hostile which has contributed to the loss of heritage and culture. Still though, the horses are not that well suited to the Hattavori and are native to Worsenth. You however have the chose of using a horse or making up an animal for mounted combat, as this is a high fantasy world. Have fun with it and go wild! I'm excited to see what you come up with, if you go down that path. There is a reward offered by the Vigil though some have joined due to personal reasons(Morben is an example of personal while Atheri is after the money). [quote=Ashgan] Yo, I just want to leave a lifesign for the lot of you. What's holding me up is, in a nutshell, stress at uni, as well as probably the longest backstory I have ever written for a character. Ambition and lack of time, it seems, do not mesh well, so it'll take a bit before I can show you what I've got. I'll get there, and I hope you'll like it, but if you're about ready and I am not, don't wait for me. Ah, lest I forget; what country is the Vigil located in? What nationality would someone from there (or someone who adopted their nationality) have? [/quote] Understandable but thank you for telling us, we were getting worried you went AWOL with Remnant. Good luck with school, we may await on you yet. The Vigil is located in the region (we lack countries & kingdoms, long story) of Laurosa by the coast. Laurosa is a beautiful place, runs along the edge of both Vallake and Euphius. Forests, some hills, flatland for farming. The Vigil itself is located right up on the water, formally was the town of Wyverncliff which tells you about its geography. For everyone, we'll be contacting everyone who expressed interest to see if we can drag in one or two more (or see if Remnant's alive) so we may be delayed on getting the IC up by a bit. You're all welcomed to make another character, if the fancy takes you. Thank you again for sticking with us, hopefully this show will finally hit the road soon enough.