Maximilius walked over to the empty armor place and took the dagger " Quite fine craftmanship. " He placed the dagger on the bed that was besides it and took his helment off, reviling his face. Looking over ot the door he saw that he had already left or what it looked like in his eyes anyway. " Carry this dagger in public. . Well i hope that no other nobels are having their play in this" He started to take off his armor as an maid entered the room " Lord we found the head maid and her husband in" Maximilius turned towards the maid and smiled " In the store room i know now go " The maid just stood there for a second and noded and went with closing the door after her. After having taken the armor off and putted on its place he undressed and took the dagger from the bed and placed it on the table besides it, He was hopeing that he would not get discovered as he wouldnt want to damage his family name but he liked the idea of that guild he talked about