Name: Kurai the Shadowed Assassin (no one knows his real name or identity) Age:23 Appearance:[IMG][/IMG] Crime: 24x Murder and armed robbery 2x Personality:Angry,Fearless, emotionless,cold blooded Bio:He was born into the slums of Rio, Kurai was a normal child before his parents began to beat him. They beat him to a point where he mentally snapped and stabbed and gutted them both at only age thirteen. From there he was wanted by Rios most ruthless police force. He was on the run for about 2 months before being captured and sent to prison. 2 years later he was released. He travelled around a bit before finding a career he was good at cold blooded killings. He worked for Gangs mostly, the most notable being the Triads of Japan and The Los Muertos Cartel of Mexico City. Before he knew it he was 22 years old. In the time he had been working as an Assassin he had acquired a new look knowing that eventually he would be on Interpol's most wanted list. He now had a white mask lasered to his face. He had also taken to armed robbery. When he robbed banks no one was left standing. He was caught finally when the guy who gave him his assignments had been bribed by the FBI to set him up. He now resides in prison.