[img=http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-1633093508.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Joscelin Voclain [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] Her long, bright red hair is in a near-perpetual state of messiness, and strikes a contrast with her clear blue eyes. She is usually wearing an eclectic collection of perfectly functional light armor pieces intermixed with an oddly colorful outfit that certainly helps her to stand out in a crowd, and she is almost always either grinning or wearing an expression that looks like it wants to be a grin. Keeps both of her swords sheathed on the same side of her body. [b]Style/Levels:[/b] Weaponry Level 5 (Swords), Combat Magic Level 5 (Wind), Fisticuffs Level 2 [b]Current Abilities:[/b] Weaponry Level 1 (Swords) [u]Etra One - X-Slash[/u]: Joscelin brings both swords swinging powerfully down in an 'X' shape at her opponent. (Deals three times the damage of a single slash, because double would make this move redundant) [u]Etra Two - Flourish[/u]: Joscelin attacks her opponent in an unusually flashy manner. If she manages to defeat them with this strike, any remaining opponents are at least partially, if not totally demoralized, dependent on how powerful the opponent she defeated was. (If no other opponents remain, she just looks cool as heck to her friends) [u]Etra Three - KO Strike[/u]: Joscelin strikes her opponent's temple using the hilt of her sword, potentially knocking them out if they are sufficiently weak. Useful for taking prisoners, or showing the mercy that a hero should. Not very effective on monsters. [u]Etra Four - Fury[/u]: In exchange for doubled offensive output, Joscelin halves her regards for her defenses, making her more powerful but also more vulnerable. Able to ignore the sting of superficial wounds until the fighting is over. [u]Etra Five - Stance[/u]: Joscelin has an innate sense for the perfect stance to maintain when using a particular type of sword. [b]This mysterious Etra appears to be missing four crucial components.[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] Principale (Primary Sword), Faible (Secondary Sword) [b]Personality:[/b] Relentlessly upbeat, known to be a bit mischievous, but has a strong sense of justice and is undyingly loyal to her friends. Has a childlike obsession with heroism. [b]History:[/b] The second-born of her father, a powerful mage, and her mother, a well respected knight, Joscelin grew up on the tales of ancient heroes of might and magic. When she discovered that she, like her older brother Milo, had inherited a proclivity for both might [i]and[/i] magic, the two of them began training together in secret. While she made good progress in learning the basics, it always seemed as though her brother was one step ahead of her. She always felt a strong, if one-sided, sibling rivalry with her brother, but still felt as though the two of them were close. One day a few years ago, she and her parents awoke to find that Milo had disappeared without a trace. Utterly devastated, a few days passed before Joscelin went out to the spot where they used to train together... and found a note that he had left behind. Just one word, and just for her. [i]Joyeuse[/i] At that moment, everything clicked in her head. The tales of Joyeuse, the legendary sword said to contain the spirit of an ancient god of war. Once, she remembered, her father had told her that she was a descendant of the only hero who had ever been able to wield it. Standing there in that field, she then knew what she had to do. Barely a week passed, and she too ran away from home, in pursuit of her brother, the legendary sword, and an adventure worthy of all the old tales. [b]Why are you on this journey?:[/b] To reclaim Joyeuse, and use it to become a true hero. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Afraid of the dark. [hider=Theme Song][youtube]e7ESztlCCrs[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Relationship Sheet][u]Celosia Alesea[/u] - There's no conflict of ideologies here. Joscelin and Celosia should end up being like two peas in a pod. [u]Sinpher 'Sin' Randol[/u] - Likely to be a bit creeped out by some of his mannerisms, but will still probably be friendly enough with him. After all, the roguish types were always her favorite heroes. [u]Zico al'Sorna[/u] - It's very likely Joscelin will fall for Zico's act hook line and sinker. Not that she has anything of any real value to steal. [u]Mayaquen[/u] - Will probably sympathize with his quest for his tablets, considering her own quest for Joyeuse. [i]Hero friends forever[/i] [u]Tyrell Varn[/u] - Joscelin has actually been travelling with Tyrell for a short while, having decided to tag along with him after the two of them were kicked out of the city of Hornfell for starting a brawl (But they totally weren't the ones that started it!). Gets along with him swimmingly, seeming not to mind his thieving ways, and considers the two of them a 'duo.' [u]Jitters[/u] - Would probably mistake him for a regular old monster if she was the first to spot him, but is one of the more likely candidates to warm up to him once he's somehow become an established member of the group. [u]Nathimys Bayias[/u] - She'll be glad to have another capable healer around, but probably won't appreciate the differences in their codes of ethics. [u]Atalee Vayshalum[/u] - Joscelin was by no means raised very religiously, but many of the tales she was told were myths borrowed from different religions. To her, Atalee would seem exactly like the heroine of one of those tales, which is a definite plus. [u]Freya Yates[/u] - Joscelin will definitely be curious about the oddities that she's collected. One of the more likely members of their group that she would go out of her way to become friends with. [u]Ava Zaiyen[/u] - Will probably notice something is off with her, but isn't the type to act on such a hunch unless something extreme happens. Will remain slightly guarded around her. [u]Leon Thorne[/u] - Joscelin is sure to become fast friends with Leon, it's as simple as that. Will probably bug him about teaching her to set her swords on fire. [u]Jythrel Arbrick[/u] - A humongous, jovial, well-experienced adventurer with a bag full of goodies? Joscelin might have just found her new best friend! ...And may or may not attempt to climb him at some point. [u]Milo Voclain (Brother)[/u] - Highly competitive with, seems to grow uncertain of her own abilities when he's around. [u]Azelius Dural[/u] - Joscelin can't deny Azelius' combat prowess, and he's certainly done his fair share of heroic deeds, but she isn't convinced he's wholly deserving of the title of 'hero.' After all, heroes fight for the good of all, not the thrill of death... right? [u]Beatrice Fendbane[/u] - Vague myths and legends are the only real experience Joscelin has had with religion over the course of her life, and the only specific deity she knows of is the one whose soul is supposedly sealed within Joyeuse, and even then she doesn't know its name. She doesn't understand what sort of experience could have produced such a powerful hatred of something she's never seen much of a problem with before, and will probably ask Beatrice about it eventually. For now, she's just a bit wary of her. [u]Anneka Lavelle[/u] - Joscelin sees a lot of herself in Anneka, for reasons that are perhaps a bit obvious. The two of them are sure to become fast friends.[/hider] [center]* * * * * * * [u]Secondary Character Sheet[/u][/center] [img=http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5524-317527134.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Milo Voclain [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Current Abilities:[/b] Weaponry Level 5 (Swords), Combat Magic Level 3, Healing Magic Level 2, Fisticuffs Level 2 [b]Weapons:[/b] Gram (Longsword) [b]Relationships:[/b] Joscelin Voclain (Sister)