Seathan chucked the bag of coins to the barman amidst cheers from the majority of the tavern's crowd, pleased at the prospect of free drinks. The man caught the bag but resisted the urge to eye its contents, giving Seathan a harsh, cold once-over. The man was ballsy, Seathan had to admit, few would've given someone like him a look like that, at least to his face. "Now, mister, I sure hope you didn't come across this gold by dishonest means now did you? The folk might be glad they're getting free drinks but I don't serve bandits or anything of the sort. Not happy about the door either". Seathan laughed again as he rubbed the bloodstains off his soaking wet armor. The man was ballsy and honest, he liked him. Looking around the contents of his few pouches, he produced a somewhat wet but still perfectly legible piece of paper and put it up for the barkeep to see. "Says here I'm paid to mash them bandit folk to a pulp. Honest enough? The bag will cover the door". The paper was indeed a document authorising one "Seathan of the Southlands" to act as a bounty hunter, to be paid a certain sum for every wanted man or woman he produced whether dead or alive, signed and sealed by the county sheriff. The barkeep gave the document a good read and finally opened the bag of coins and began meticulously counting its contents. From what he'd read, this was pay for a substantial number of bounties and was enough to cover multiple rounds and a very, very good new door, along with a few other renovations. Smiling at Seathan, he shrugged and went back to work. "Good enough for me. ONE ROUND COMING UP!" he shouted amidst further cheering from the crowd. Seathan laughed once more and raised his massive bludgeon up high to work the crowd even further. "AND MEAT! MEAT AND SONG TO GO WITH THE DRINKS!".