A gentle warm breeze swept along the golden meadow outside of the city, her city, Hy Byseil. Hy Byseil was a sturdy place, it had large stone walls and did plenty of trading with the country and far beyond it. And Urkwia was to someday make it her own, just as her parents had before her. While she was of an aqueduct age to inherit the throne and title of Queen, she refused to settle down until her questions had been answered. For about four years, she had been conducting experiments on the sapphires that were found in the river which ran through Hy Byseil from the large ocean on the beach in the north part of the city. Urkwia had been collecting various stones and testing them. Something in her heart told her that these weren't just for decoration, but that they could be something so great and powerful. And as a future leader, she needed to know about every resource the land had to offer. Currently, Urkwia was standing in a meadow, the city wall to her back. The sun was low in the sky as it was only ten or so in the morning. She was prepared to test all day if she had to. With her, she had her pack of books and pencils to collect data and report any findings she came across. She pulled out two rather dark dark deep blue sapphires and held them up to her face. Her hazel eyes saw nothing amiss but she had to be careful, just in case. The woman stepped back and rolled the two dark stones in her hand, testing the weight they held. Taking a deep breath, she clenched her hand. They stayed solid. She pulled out her notebook and made some notes and then resumed her tentative tests. The white haired woman looked back over at Hy Byseil and could hear the faint bells from the large clock tower by the castle. Was it noon already? And nothing? No progress. Even so, Urkwia wasn't deterred in the slightest. She took both small pieces and started to hit them together, using gentle force to make a clicking sound. She did this a few times, feeling almost as though the gentle collision was resonating between both gemstones as they connected. "Maybe they're sharing energy?" She muttered to herself as she tried again, this time a few sparks of blue were seen and she felt her heart do a back-flip. Urkwia, now spurred on, did it again and suddenly a large vortex emerged from the blue sparks. It spun and spun around. Urkwia looked at the two tiny gems in her hand and then grabbed the notebook to document the specification of the event. Her eyes were wide as she circled around the swirl of blue alluring light. "It's two dimensional...does this mean, this could be a link somewhere..." She uttered softly, currently not daring to get too close to the thing in question. She needed to do more research. She'd need to throw something in and test where it went. She'd have to see how long it could sustain itself. So many questions. Just as she was finishing her sketch of the vortex, she saw a figure jump out of it and she quickly moved away from its path. The vortex then close and she dropped her notebook in surprise. "What? Why did you do that?" She frowned and looked to see someone she didn't recognize. At first she assumed he was a farmers boy or merchant passing to go to Hy Byseil but now she wasn't so sure. Could he have originated from the gem?