Name: Faen Lokison Alias: Kid Loki Age: 19 Powers: Faen's greatest weapon is his genius-level intellect. While having about an average knowledge of technology and science he is an incredibly cunning planner and manipulator. Due to his mixed parentage he possesses enhanced strength, durability, stamina and resistance to cold. While nowhere near superhuman levels he is definitely physically more powerful than an average human. He has also become a keen student of magic and the mystical arts, with an affinity for illusions. Due to his youth and the fact that he is entirely self taught he is by far from the most powerful mage in the world, but with training and guidance he has the potential to become incredibly powerful. Weaknesses: Faen, while not quite a coward, detests being involved in a physical battle. He will do everything within his means to keep the fighting at a polite a distance as possible. Couple this aversion for a fist fight with a complete lack of close quarters combat training and you have the recipe for quite a liability in the front lines. He is also in the habit of overestimating his abilities, especially dangerous with the potentially destructive magics he manipulates. He often underestimates the intelligence of those around him, which can quickly lead to his downfall. Faen plays his cards close to his chest. A good trait for a poker player, a poor one for someone on a team. Faen will formulate then act on a plan without telling his team-mates, treating them like pawns in his machinations. Personality: Cunning, Cocky, Witty [hider=Appearance] Costume [img=] Face [img=][/hider] Brief bio: Born the son of Sarah Johnstone, of Midgard, and Loki, god of trickery and mischief, Faen was always going to struggle in our world. He was conceived twenty years ago when Loki was hiding out on earth after failing once again to usurp the throne of Asgard. The God grew weary of licking his wounds, yet wasn't ready to begin his schemes once more. To alleviate the boredom he decided to emulate his brother Thor, and take up with a mortal woman. He found Sarah, a waitress living in Los Angeles. She was a weak willed woman, more than willing to recieve Loki, who enjoyed wrapping her around his little finger. Soon she fell pregnant. Loki stayed with her the entire time she carried the babe, until the day of birth. As she lay in the hospital bed Loki declared he was leaving her. She begged him to stay, but nothing she said could dissuade him. The only concession he would give is that he would name his son - "Prince Faen Lokison." before dissapereing down hospital corridors. Weak and broken hearted she may have been, it was obvious Sarah still loved Loki. She told the boy, and anyone else who happened by, that he was the son of the God, and destined to rule both Asgard and Midgard. Most didn't believe her and mocked mother and son for what thay seen as her mental instability. Those who did believe her either hated or feared the familly for his heritage to evil. The children were the cruelest, constantly mocking or attacking Faen. Despite being stronger than all but the largest of men he was never a fighter, accepting the beatings and took their taunting to heart. Despite these hardships it wasn't all unhappiness. His mother loved him, and encouraged him in all things. At a young age he realised he could affect comsic energies, what his mother called 'magic'. He had a voracious hunger for knowledge, and he would devour any tome or textbook he could get his hands on (admittedly very little, but he made up for that in entusiasm) He started supporting his mothers small wage packet by performing small magic acts or sleight of hand tricks for tourists. It was a hard life, but they got by. The years past and Faen grew to become angry at the father he never met. He was still taunted by others, but he no longer meekly accepts their abuse, meeting it instead with a caustic wit and a skill for illusion. While Faen became a powerful young mage his mother wilted, due to her broken heart Faen theorised. She became ill, but the doctors couldn't find a cause. Six months ago she passed from this life to the next. Faen sat at her bedside the night she died. Just before the end she elicited a promise from her son, for him to do something good with his life, just like she always knew he could. To complete the promise Faen has decided to defend the world that his father has long saught to conquer. To this end he shall travel to New York in search of other heros who can help lead and teach him. Notes: Faen is Norwegian for devil, or in some places bastard. Loki obviously meant it as a joke, but to his son it seems a strangely fitting name as he is the bastard of a devil. Faen has no secret identity as he has no one in his life he feels he needs to protect. His alias, Kid Loki, comes from when on his journey to New York he stopped in at a gas station. The station was being robbed by an armed robber. Thinking quickly he illusioned an image of an angry hulk standing outside the station, roaring at the thief. The thief instantly dropped his weapon, surrendered and wet himself. The security videos of the incident, and the eventual reveal that it was Faen and not the Hulk who was to thank for the save, went viral. On one message board they called Faen 'Kid Loki' due to his powerset and his resemblance to the villain, and the name has stuck.