[center]Nakamura looked around only to notice everyone was gone. [b]"Edel? Taeyon? Kuro?"[/b] She said, watching the surface people walk by her holding up their nose. Her face soon flushed with redness. [b]"I-I."[/b] Half of the students there turned around to face her. [b]"It wasn't me.."[/b] She mumbled under her breath suspecting that they thought she cut the cheese. When, In reality, they did that to make fun of her. They thought she smelled like fish. Nakamura dashed away as she could only to end up in the halls. The hallways smelled like paint fumes. The lockers looked fresh out of a factory, the floors didn't have at least one stain yet. Everything shined, colorful and bright. The place was so huge it disorienting. It had taken Nakamura fifteen minutes to find her classroom. Unable to locate her friends she stood outside the door. Awaiting their arrival. Nakamura didn't want to go ahead and introduce herself without her friends. She planted both her hands on her hips and nodded. [b]"My mission is to wait!"[/b] She said, proudly pounding her chest.[/center]