As he spoke She nodded her head along with his story. When he finished, she smiled very lightly, "I suppose.... A better person couldn't have stumbled upon me." He shook his head and said " just a person ..." As the old man came back out with some hot tea. At which He took a cup and blew on it to cool it down. She pulled her his coat around her while she let out a ragged breath, "Seventeen... I'm seventeen. Today was my wedding day," she shook her head, "So, I got out of my dress and into this and jumped out the window..." Nyima tightened his coat around herself further, "I didn't think about it further... I didn't think about it at all... I just did it," she looked up at him as she sat on her stool, "Are you really going to help me?" He was looking forward thinking with his cup in his hands, the warmth on his hands. He then realized he left his staff at the harbor. Oh well he would get it in the morning. He took a sip and looked back at her. "Yes I am going to help you. Why I'm still here." He said with a warm smile. Before putting his cup down. "I understand... You got put in a corner and just acted. Not often when we are young we make rational choices in hard situations. I've done things I'm not proud of and made mistakes . Best thing we can do is learn from them ." He turned towards her and said, "Now for tonight after we eat. We can ask old man chan if he has a extra room for you. In the morning I'll be back and we can work out what to do. If they means putting you I the next boat home."