[b][i]Freywyn[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government:[/b] Toryllis Brosca / Triumvirate [/b] [b]Settlements Owned:[/b] 3 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 1 [b]Population:[/b] ~300,000 [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent]/<7,500>/ <4th Black Priest Battalion - ''Cleaver''>/<600>// /<12,000>// <2nd Army>/<12,500>// [/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]-/<5>/<5><2>//[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 90%[/b] [b]Imports:[/b]Horses / Cattle [Requa Republic] // Wine [Dukedom of Edaria] // Fish / Pearls [Uaruneria] [b]Exports:[/b]Stone[Requa Republic] // Gold [Dukedom of Edaria] // Stone / Gold [Uaruneria] [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b] Requa Republic / Dukedom of Edaria [b]Trade Pacts:[/b] Requa Republic / Dukedom of Edaria / Uaruneria / [b]Cease Fires:[/b]- [/hider] [b][u]Army Cards[/u][/b] [hider=4th Black Priest] [indent]- /<60>//[/indent][/hider] [hider=Silent Watch- Hlondeth Front] [indent]General: Tashan Qu - /<4,000>// - /<1,550>// - /<1,450>/<80%>/[/indent][/hider] [hider=2nd Army] [indent]General: Anerius Tervin - /<4,500>// - /<3,050>// - /<3,450>/<80%>/ - /<1,500>/<95%>/[/indent][/hider] [hider=The Black Crusade] [indent]Commander: Vaios Azante / Branka Qun - /<3,500>// - /<2,500>//<-> - /<2,000>/<100%>/<-> - /<2,000+40 catapults>/<100%>/ - /<1,000>/<100%>/ - /<1,000>/<80%>/[/indent][/hider] [center][b][u]Men Of War, Pt. IV[/u][/b][/center] They stood side by side, 905 Black Priests, watching the fall of Fengarde. Words weren't needed and thus weren't spoken, the screams of the damned and the rage of the lizards filled the night with horrors and memories of old, back when they arrived in Orysson and were faced with extinction. Captain Berin wasn't but a pup back then, barely 20 years old yet he fought with all of his might despite the fact that one could count the bones on his body. And know he stood powerless. Utterly and completely defeated without even drawing his blade. [i]«Gentlemen, as you see, we have been too late. Fengarde falls and alongside her tens of thousands of her sons and daughters while we stand idle and watch this travesty of a battle unfold. All those without a son or under the age of 20, move forward.» At once, a third of his men stepped forward, their eyes mirroring their sorrow and their scars of war. [i]«You will march towards the borders between Jouria and Requa where you will meet the army and describe to them in full detail what happened here. I am certain that Branka will have sent a few thousand men yet in the off chance that someone like those blabbering Whispers stopped him, go back to Admeryn and make sure everyone knows of the betrayal.» [i]«And what about you, Cap'n?» a young man asked. [i]«We will stay. Perhaps we'll join the remaining forces of Fengarde. Perhaps we'll try and poison the rest of their supplies despite the heavy toll it took on us the first time. Our lives are forfeit, boy. We shall never see the White Tower of Caan again or hear Archbishop Vastra chant in her Auditorium again. We'll stay here, lighting the flame which will burn Jouria down to its scaly core. Farewell.» They left a few hours later, leaving words of courage and bravery to those who stayed behind. Berin and his 600 men, all of them battle hardened and armed to the teeth, wearing the armor of their fallen comrades as if they were fighting alongside them. [i]«Now Captain? Am sure the rest of Belmorn is getting ready to face the Jourian threat. We could join them.» [i]«Join the elves, Jon? The damned knife-ears who in Fengarde's darkest hour arrived too late and with too few men only to withdraw after a short skirmish leaving orcs to fight in their place? Nothing but spite for 'em Jon, may the lizards skin 'em all. If they had helped then yes, I'd be the first to join their ranks but they didn't. And that will never be forgotten, not by us and not by those back in Freywyn and one day, it shall be repaid in full. For Queen Alistine who barely knew which end of a blade to hold yet she charged against the best fighters Jouria has to offer and found death as a warrior-queen who will be immortalised in our legends» We'll keep following the horde and watch them from a distance. We'll skin and burn every single one of them who dares to venture away from their camps and as soon as the next battle begins, we'll join the fray.» [center][b][u]Dawn Of War[/u][/b][/center] «My lord, a messenger from Bohhaddon arrived bearing this letter.» a young boy said while bowing in front of him. Toryllis grabbed the message and opened it impatiently, eager to see a glimpse of what the future had in store for him and his country. [Hider=To Frewyn] Toryllis Brosca, I am pleased to hear that humanity has triumphed in the lands west of us. And indeed it fills me with joy to hear one speak with a passion to rival my own, about human superiority. While we are interested in your proposals, past events leave us in doubt of your trust. You abandoned the old empire in her time of need, how can we be sure you will not do the same to us? Provide us with military support in our campaign against the lizards to the south-east, as a sign of your commitment to our new relations. Then you shall have the alliance and resources you desire. Ducis Alta [/hider] As soon as he finished reading the message, the High Ruler of Freywyn started composing one of his own, his heart and mind still shaken by the grim news received from the West and the rise of Bloodfang. [hider=To Bohaddon] There is no time for pleasantries. Fengarde, the human city of Belmorn, has fallen alongside tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters. The Bloodfang empire rises, getting stronger every day as we face the biggest threat of our modern history and I also received news of Hightower being overrun by the very same enemy therefore it is imperative that we strike now and that we strike hard. I will dedicate the majority of my forces against Hlondeth yet I cannot allow 12,000 deaths to go unpunished. Eight thousand of my men are already in Requa, a day's time from entering Jourian soil accompanied by Dwarves with their war machines and Requan volunteers. Freywyn is marching.[/hider] [center][b][u]The Black Crusade[/u][/b][/center] «My Lord, morale couldn't have been higher among our men while our current supplies will last us for three weeks when caravans with fresh food arrive every four days.» «Excellent. Turns out that Queen Myra's journey into the unknown pretty much made this war possible. Without the food from Uaruneria and Requa, the nation would have been starving within a month.» Master Branka, Paragon of War and General of what was known as the Black Crusade as his men had painted their armours black in memory of the those who fell in Fengarde, admired the thousands upon thousands of soldiers, wagons and horses marching towards the unprotected Jourian capital. Alongside the eight thousand Freywe, two thousand battle-hardened Dwarves and 20 of their catapults marched to war yet that wasn't all. A thousand of well-equipped Requans and as many volunteers followed too with dreams of glorious battle ready to be shattered as soon as they witness just how well a lizardman uses his fangs. Branka knew that they weren't enough to ensure a total victory and his plan was to capture the capital as its defenses would certainly be weak considering that the majority of the lizards had been waging war in Belmorn for weeks now. If the siege didn't go according to plan though, they'd fall back and man the fortresses strategically built on the Requan borders which had been finished just a few days ago, marvels of architecture which no man nor God could conquer without shedding enough blood to create a river.