Minako raised an eyebrow and looked upwards, towards the room's intercom. Some kind of mandatory meeting or whatever? It was probably some stupid-as-hell boring announcement that had nothing to do with her. At the same time, well... it presented an opportunity to ask some questions. And Minako needed a good chance to start asking questions. Besides, she didn't feel like having to deal with whatever they'd try and do to her if she didn't show. So Minako stood up, one hand snatching her silver case off the ground to raise it and rest it over her shoulder, so that it hung down behind her. With her free hand, she waved, as if waving off the announcement. "Yeah, whatever..." And with that, she turned and headed out the classroom door, following the flow of students to the courtyard. Now, now she might have a chance to find out what had happened to Chiharu. The other students sure as hell weren't helpful.