Post your nation sheets here for acceptence into The Fractured South - Nation RP. [center][i][b]RP IS OPEN FOR NEW PLAYERS//Regions in South and North Orysson Are Eligible//Must stick with Preassigned NPC races and exports.[/b][/i][/center] [center]Setting: Fantasy[/center] [center]Technology: Medieval-Early Gunpowder[/center] [center]Magic: Not In Play[/center] [center]Required Writing Level: Reasonable understanding of English grammar, and use of a spell check.[/center] [u][b]Theaters[/b][/u] [hider=North Orysson] [IMG][/IMG] [b]Region Names/Races/Exports/Owner[/b] Region 1: /// Region 2: /< Uaru>//<[b]Orangebox[/b]> Region 3: /// Region 4: < Bahapore>////<[b]Titanic[/b]> Region 5: ///<[b]Titanic[/b] & [b]Eternal_Flame[/b]> Region 6: //< Iron and Bronze>/<[b]Eternal_Flame[/b]> Region 7: ///<[b]Senor Herp[/b] (UNDER NPC CONTROL)> Region 8: /// Region 9: //< Iron and Spices>/<[b]Blackbishop[/b] (UNDER NPC CONTROL)> Region 10: /// Region 11: /// Region 12: /// Region 13: ///<[b]Panda-Man[/b]> Region 14: /// Region 15: /// Region 16: /// Region 17: /// Region 18: ///<[b]SyrianHamster[/b]> Region 19: /// Region: 20: /// Region: 21: ///<[b]Meeky[/b]> Region: 22: ///<[b]TheRpgGamer[/b]> [/hider] [hider=South Orysson][IMG][/IMG] [b]Region Names/Races/Exports/Owner[/b] Region A.1: ///<[b]Meeky[/b]> Region A.2: ///<[b]SyrianHamster[/b]> Region A.3: /// Region A.4: /// Region A.5: //< Iron and Spices>/<[b]Blackbishop[/b]> Region A.6: /// Region A.7: /// Region A.8: /// Region A.9: /// Region A.10: /// Region A.11: /// Region A.12: /// Region A.13: /// Region A.14: /// Region A.15: /// Region A.16: ///<[b]Bohaddon Empire[/b] (NPC AGGRESSIVE)> Region A.17: ///[<[b]Bohaddon Empire[/b]> (NPC AGGRESSIVE) Region A.18: ///<[b]Bohaddon Empire[/b]> (NPC AGGRESSIVE) Region A.19: /// Region A.20: /// Region A.21: /// Region A.22: /// Region A.23: ///<[b]Bohaddon Empire[/b]> (NPC AGGRESSIVE) Region A.24: ///<[b]Bohaddon Empire[/b]> (NPC AGGRESSIVE)[/hider] Both theaters are open for business. Regions that have come into contact with other players will have to keep their preassigned NPC races and exports. [url=]Nation Sheet and Nation Status Card[/url] Please do not edit the template, if you can avoid it. Copy and paste the text into the forum posting box or into a word processor. I will reset it if it gets muddled, but would rather not have to do it every five minutes. Thank you. ------- Region delegation is on a first come, first serve basis. He/she who claims a region first will be entitled to it, no dispute. When your nation is accepted, it will be listed on the first post of the OOC. I will be checking here several times a day so that the list will be as current as I can manage.