TBD Region Number: 11. Nation Name: Hlondeth Nation Leader/Name of Nation's Parliament: (If you have a monarch, put his or her name and title here. If you are run by a council, a democratic parliament or a military junta etc, put the name of it here. If you have both of these, then list them both.) Nation Banner: Either a picture or text description will do. Race: (Lizard Men= The Reganki Custom Race Description: (If required. More than one race is allowed if you are a multiracial nation, but don't go overboard) - Name: - Life Span: (How long they live for) - Appearance: (What they look like) - General Traits: (Stupid? Smart? Compassionate? Aggressive? Warlike? Honourable? These kinds of things) Capital City: (Name) Other Major Settlements: (As many or as few as you require) Gross Population: (If composed of several races, number them separately) Exports: Choose two of the following. More exports can be achieved by the conquest of another province.