[center][img] http://i59.tinypic.com/dlrmt2.png[/img][/center] She sure as hell hadn't been expecting the bars to actually shock her body when she hit them. Aviva had been so sure their kidnappers had been far too stupid to even know anything about magic, after all they didn't have the common sense to wear hoods or another to cover their faces. The foolish men seemed to want to be caught, how would they be smart enough for magic? When the shock went through her body, Aviva let out a squeak as she was pushed back her butt to the stone floor and coming close to landing on Vera. When she heard someone comment on the bars, Aviva narrowed her eyes looking through the bars. The voice had come from another side of the room then where she had seen movement, and she was pretty sure she didn't want to know what is really was she had seen. [b]“Yeah, thanks for the warning.”[/b] Aviva hissed annoyed at the man she couldn’t see, before she started to get up and attempt to wipe some of the dirt she landed in off of her dress, hearing the laughter that was clearly at her. Hearing the whistling coming closer to the cell Aviva moved forward to peek out of the bars to look at him, though she kept far enough from the bars that she was sure she wouldn't be shocked again. As she watched him come closer to the bars Aviva crossed her arms frowning, she hadn't really gotten a good look at the other members of the group, but she had seen him when he was carrying Vera. It would have been so much easier to read his face if it still wasn't covered by the hood. As it was now, all she could see was his lips pulled up into a smirk. Even though she was angry Aviva couldn't help the slight blush at being called lovely, such was just her normal easy going personality when not around conflict. [b]“Well you could realize you've made a damned mistake and let us go.”[/b] She said sweetly and calmly to him. [b]“Or at least tell who the hell you are.”[/b] She added narrowing her eyes at him again.