Leon strolled down the crowded avenue alongside his fellow 'Freelancers', the name that now unofficially unified the bunch of ragtag mercenaries. Despite his qualms with his new position alongside the military, Leon was for the most part happy. Was Leon trilled to be working with the army? No. But he did promise to help those who needed him, and this was where he needed to be. Plus, the promise of regular meals helped. He was somewhat worried about somehow finding his elder brother, but Leon pushed the concerns out of his head. It was hard to be worried in the middle of a parade dedicated to you, wasn't it? As the crowd cheered for the mercenaries, the majority of the bunch were unexpectedly rowdy in clear contrast to the Lunar Watch. Leon elected to remain unnoticed in the procession, keeping his hood drawn over his head and not drawing attention to himself. As the group arrived in the courtyard, Leon elected to take a small rest, anticipating the busyness of the day ahead. Leon propped himself against one of the outlying walls of the courtyard. He shut his eyes for but a moment, before the booming voice of a man interrupted his rest. Leon opened one of his eyes, taking a sideways glance at the man addressing them. Beside him was a women who could only be assumed to be the Queen. The man spoke of the hefty cost of the struggle ahead, and commended them on their sacrifice. The speech was hardly far from what Leon expected. As for the dying part, Leon may have lost it all, but he hardly plans on dying when he can still make his life worth something. The part that really caught Leon's attention was the talk of special invitations to a feast with the Queen. It was hard not to wish for some special assignment, although Leon doubted he would be picked for such a task. However, Leon was soon proven wrong as the Queen herself approached him and handed him one such invitation. Leon was taken aback to be personally selected by the Queen. He quickly bowed to her as she began to walk away. The Queen did not match Leon's expectations. He heard in other lands less prone to patriotic bias that Eline ruled her nation with fear, but it seemed to him that she was a benevolent ruler. He reserved his judgment for now. The dining hall was gorgeous, a temple of extravagance and marble. The weapons on the wall were little more than two-bit play pieces, but their surroundings were nonetheless impressive, and hardly what Leon imagined for his first day serving the crown. Leon was led to his seat, and thanked the servant that directed him. Before him sat several imposing figures- The Queen and the leaders of the different factions assembled together. Leon's stomach turned at the sight of Vladimir Karrov. Being a traveler Leon met many people, including some of the mercenaries that roamed the lands- one of which was Vladimir. A crass and crude Fenrir with an unmistakable capacity for cruelty. Leon was not a fan of Vladimir, and did not acknowledge his presence. The Queen gave a small speech and departed rather abruptly- Leon was under the impression that she would join them for the feast, but she appeared to be in some sort of discomfort. For now Leon held any questions he may have had, and began eating.