Region Number: 9 Nation Name: Vanguar Nation Leader/Name of Nation's Parliament: High Chief Skar Bloodwroth, Lord of the Clans, the Vanguard, and the Shale, Keeper of the Wold's Hammer, Warden of Orc-kind Nation Banner: [center][img][/img][/center] Race: Orcs - General Traits: Warlike, Strong, Unintelligent Capital City: Grimhold Other Major Settlements: Goi'Orka, Veneholm, Fort Bloodwroth Gross Population: 100 000 Exports: Iron and Spices The province of Vanguar always posed a problem for the Bohaddon Empire. The native orc population was aggressive and not easily cowed into submission. Finally, after the fall of King Almon, the Orc Clans of Vanguar were able to drive out the provisional government and reclaim the land for Orc-kind. Peace would not be so easily bought, however. A bloody period of civil war followed as the nine clans fought for dominance over the region. After nearly two decades of war, and several of the clans eradicated, the Clan of Grimmbarrow emerged victorious, with their leader, Chief Skar Bloodwroth. Skar proclaimed himself High Chief and forced fealty from the surviving clans, thus uniting Vanguar into a single Cheifdom. As peace has returned to the realm, Orc caravans have begun to travel the old roads to the neighbouring realms, offering gold and intoxicant spices. The rumours and songs that come out of Vanguar seem to suggest a firmly held hatred for those that once oppressed Orc-kind., [hider=Nation Status]Current Leader/Government: High Chief Skar Bloodwroth Settlements Owned: 4 Provinces Owned: 1 Population: 100 000 Standing Army: - /<1, 000 Orcs>// Population Happiness: 50% Imports: Exports: Iron, Spice Wealth: Poor Alliances: None Trade Pacts: None Cease Fires: None [/hider]