"Lets get this over with so I can go back to sleeping and drinking." Etsuko said in a slightly irritated voice as she climbed into the Van. It would be quicker than running, not that she objected to taking the long way to getting out of work, but she didn't fancy getting drenched in rain on her way there. For all she knew, it could start down pouring the moment they left. The rain slightly made her mood better, as she had always liked it since she fought better in it, but it was ruined by the noisy kids in the van. Maybe it'd be worth getting soaked just to get away from the annoyance known as human children. She had to admit to herself though, she was slightly looking forward to seeing this mansion. Maybe it was just her old habits, but she was eager to see what all this place had stored in it. Maybe, once she was done playing the good guy she could come back and...relieve these people of some of their problems. The thought made her chuckle to herself a bit.