[quote=thorgili] Welll It sounds amazingly interesting going to start work on a nice Imperial German/Russian Themed country [/quote] Always need to have a Russia/Germany XP. [quote=Meeky] By the by, does my nation application require any adjustments? Did you want specific numbers for the military section? Is there anything you feel doesn't fit or something you think should be added / removed? Also, do you think I should remove the experimental rockets mentioned at the bottom of the military section, given that Qalimeq utilizes pegasus cavalry (which would be its "niche" unit)? [/quote] I'd ask for a little bit more on the navy (if you have one). Also just some percentages for the military so we get a feel for its size. I assume the Pegasus Calvary are literally flying horses? Cause that is totally cool with me lol! As for the rockets, that is fine, as on the whole rockets would be available to all in some limited extent, and since they are new and seem unstable in your nation it sounds balanced. I had one question on the nation description though. You said it was mostly desert and mountains, but you also said it was very fertile, which seemed a bit contradictory. Where does the fertility come from? And is it still limited to a need to import more food and/or water? Other than that it is a great great NS and a great example for others to look at.