[center][B][U]Raelis Vaerkturian[/B] – [I]Champion of Rhay[/U][/I][/center] [center][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/067/2/b/armored_angel_by_tnounsy-d5xdp4v.jpg[/img][/center] His ship had been flying for a fair amount of time when one of its sensors woke the pilot's senses and directed them to a hologram which promptly formed before him. A smile spread over the pilot's face, then forming a smirk as he pulled up several more screens with which to analyze the planet that had just shown signs of life. His ship changing course so as to reach the planet, the Asaraen directed the systems of Eriinn, his ship, to zero on the location of the ongoing conflict, which he was sure it had detected before. His grin growing as the systems detected a considerably sized estimation of relative power, he began the secondary scans as he allowed his ship to be pulled into the gravitational field of Sortiarus. [B]"A magical world, how glorious, though it might prove troublesome in some aspects..."[/B] glancing down at the planet he beheld it in all its celestial glory before he nodded and initiated the processes necessary for the ship to enter the atmosphere of the planet and then to port him down near the area that he had detected the life signatures of those whom he presumed worthy. His eyes gleamed eagerly, their fiery light going from a low candle flame to searing embers that just happened to be embedded in his skull. --- Several minutes later the Asaraen found himself on the surface of the magical planet. Taking a deep breath he allowed his cloak to filter the air properly, but to let the the energies of the planet reach him. He could feel it in the air, and even in the soil beneath his armored feet. It was the hum of power which thrummed through the planet as if it were its lifeblood, which it indeed might be. Turning his attention away from the planet's prevailing aura, the Knight of Rhay unfurled his mighty wings, armored as they were, and thrust them downwards, sending his body into the air, and activating Maelstrom as they did so. With the wind in his wings, Raelis soared high into the air and quickly managed to locate his query. Three individuals, or...perhaps only two. One of the three seemed more like the machination of a madman's delusion, the other two seemed to be identical, odd, and were some mixture between Asaraen physique and that of a great lizard. Tilting his head slightly as he observed the ongoing hostilities, the Knight managed to discern that the two identical beings looked much like Asarae with several odd defects, such as leathery, featherless wings. Noting this, a small smile formed upon the knight's hooded features, hidden from prying eyes, as he tilted his body and flew once more, entering the space of the battlefield and landing gently with no sound of metal despite his armor's composition. Still there was a soft thump as his weighty frame made contact with the ground once more. A scent of burning metal might become vaguely apparent to the monster as Raelis Vaerkturian rose into the air, drew the Blade of Rhay, and then half-furled his magnificently armored plumage behind his body. As he landed for the first time, he noticed that his wings appeared to be more effective and his body lighter on this world. This amused him, for it meant that, as his ship's reading had suggested, the gravity on this planet was less than what he was accustomed to on Asara. His capabilities would be greater than their norm, what wonderful circumstances! [B]"Excuse my intrusion,"[/B] the knight called out as he drew the Blade of Rhay, [B]"...but I'll be slaying this beast, he deserves a proper combatant, rather than one bereft of reptilian wings and mutation."[/B] With that Raelis' pace increased as he crossed the fifteen yards between he and his newly chosen adversary. The clone did not interest him, it was the monster that did, [B]"Ready yourself as best you can, beast, though in truth there is little an ant can do in defense against an envoy of Rhay!"[/B] Upon naming the star of his system, his pace increased somewhat as he jogged towards Snarnorgul with the intent to kill shining clearly from his fiery eyes. The beast would fall by his blade, he'd make sure of it.