[quote=DEMoGorgon47] I'd ask for a little bit more on the navy (if you have one). Also just some percentages for the military so we get a feel for its size. I assume the Pegasus Calvary are literally flying horses? Cause that is totally cool with me lol! As for the rockets, that is fine, as on the whole rockets would be available to all in some limited extent, and since they are new and seem unstable in your nation it sounds balanced. I had one question on the nation description though. You said it was mostly desert and mountains, but you also said it was very fertile, which seemed a bit contradictory. Where does the fertility come from? And is it still limited to a need to import more food and/or water? Other than that it is a great great NS and a great example for others to look at. [/quote] Yeah, they're literally winged horses. I wanted to choose something that would give Qalimeq a very unique but still balanced unit, and then I read about clockwork airplanes. The image of a man on a pegasus chopping through the wing of an WWI plane struck immediately, and I wanted to make that a reality. The rockets I based off of [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Chinese_rocket.gif]Chinese Rockets[/url] which used gunpowder and a fuse. The basic technique here is the same, but the purpose is different: chemical warfare is the goal with the resurgence of these rockets in Qalimeq. It's really the chemical warfare part that I'm unsure about. As for the desert part: I was thinking of the great Nile River and how much of Egyptian society was based around it. I'll reword my post when I wake up tomorrow and make it clear that there are fertile flood plains, but the rest of the desert and the mountains themselves are rather poor. As far as military numbers... Will you want just percentages or numbers as well? And how many airships should there be in a moderately productive nation of this size?