Jasmine was standing when the girl spoke and stepped over the puke and sat on the other side of the girl away from the disgusting vomit on the floor.Jasmine looked at the young girl and chuckled a bit from her current side her US marines tattoo wrapped in thorns and cracks could be seen on her muscular bicep."well kid that's a long fucking story how I ended up here...but I guess you just want the main reason right?" She shook her head and looked back at her "well no harm in letting you know I guess" she cleared her throat and laid her hands in fists on the table before her. "I was in the marine core for several years treating the Middle East as my own personally stomping grounds...I could do what I wanted shoot who I wanted and kill when I wanted with no repercussions...." She smiled again in a sinister manner "one day invading a terrorist controlled city with my squad I killed them all and joined up with the terrorist group called Venom....I worked in venom for several years and made it to second in command...." She tapped her tattooed knuckles on the table "we blew up trains shot up villages took cargo ships shipped drugs and firearms boosted myself to top wanted lists the world over...." She couldn't help but to chuckle "one day carrying out a drug deal on a ship as usually the fucking navy showed up bastards hiding on the ship took me prisoner now I'm here in this shit hole talking to you....." She shifted in her seat her back hunched a bit popping her knuckles "so that's why I'm here what did you do?" She looked at the girl and awaited an explaination truly curious as to what a sweet looking little thing like her did."oh and by the way don't show your fear kid not here not never I could see it all over your face that's what'll get a pretty little thing like you raped and I'm sure that's not what you want....." As the gaurds said back to cells she stood up and walked back with everyone else headed back to her small cell giving her time to think and be alone to basically do anything she wanted.She would most likely just go and start working out like usual wanting to stay in good shape.