[center][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/51/Ball3_1_2.jpg/300px-Ball3_1_2.jpg][/center] Clip One of [s]Three[/s] Two from the Blue Lion... [hider=Play] [b]Time: 0002[/b] [indent][[i]A picture cuts on to pan around the inside of a metal room, patches of ice and shelves of frozen animal carcasses gives the suggestion of someplace freezing. The size indicates an industrial meat locker. The camera continues to pan slowly in a full circle, then stops to train on the corpse of a young man. It zooms in slowly to show that he is chained and suspended from a hook in the ceiling. He hangs motionless between the body of two hollowed out pigs... A large spatter of blackish blood sticks frozen to the wall behind the body and his red hair is shown to be caked with frost. The camera zooms in tighter to his face, capturing the graphic details of open wounds and two blackened eyes; Ulrich stares unblinkingly with blue lips parted.[/i]][/indent] "Thank you Hector, please realize that you did the right thing by agreeing to provide us with information." [indent][[i]The camera pans back quickly to the opposite side of the room. Two figures. A man, whose face is blurred out; a large Orc, who huddles under a quilt and cradles a steaming mug.[/i]][/indent] "Make sure he's bound tight. I don't want that kid escaping and then coming after m--" "Any colder, and he really will die. We can't have that...Would you like anything to eat, Mr. Faust? Apologies for earlier, had we known you were so willing to cooperate we would have had something prepared for you." "I want him tortured some more. Break his will, make it so that he screams again. Ice em' to the neck." "We can assure you that the O'Shalna boy is no threat to you in this state. Your suggestion of placing the Will-O-Wisp in a cooler worked nicely." "I guess. Aye, how cold would you say it is in here?" "The temperature is well into the negatives. You are safe Hector." "Sure you can't get it any colder than that?" "We're sure. Now Mr. Faust, can you tell us what you and your friends were doing out by the waterways?" "I was on Kingly orders, sir. Just doin' what I was told." "I see. There was another person with you according to Mr. Nade'catcher... Can you tell us where they are, now?" "You mean to tell me that's his [i]actual[/i] name?" "Focus, Hector." "Yeah. There was a girl with us-- she escaped back into his little tent kingdom, though." "And, how do we gain access to Ulrich's kingdom?" "Only when The Path reveals itself to you--" "Everyone is aware of that-- but how do we get it to appear for certain?" "Beats me." [[i]Faust shrugs as he takes a sip from his mug and then points lazily to something off camera[/i]] "Ask him...Careful though, he looks pissed." [indent][[i] The image blurs with motion as the camera swings back to it's previous position; Ulrich's body is shown to be missing. The lens of the camera tightens, as if curious, on the ground below. A puddle of iron lay steaming. A cameraman screams off frame and the angle shifts sags at an angle that now captures pairs of feet being lifted from the ground. Loafers and sneakers are shown to be engulfed in blue flame, and then socks, and then skin.... and finally bone...Shadows flicker against the wall and icicles from the tips of hooves begin to drip and sizzle as they hit the ground. Several minutes pass before a black, powdery substance begins to pour center-shot. Orc feet shuffle into view and then fidget slightly. A moment passes followed by heavy breathing. The fleeting image of a ghostly figure on fire passes in front of view. Hector's own legs take a step backwards. At this point, the camera lens fogs over with steam as the audio continues to role...[/i]][/indent] "Nice work warming it up--any longer and my outtie would have been an innie --[i]woah[/i]-- slow down, Torch. Remember our deal. You still need me." "I haven't forgotten, Faust--" [[i]There is a hissing punch thrown off camera and Hector groans.[/i]] "The freezer idea was passing. But next time, hold off on all suggestions of torture, will you?" "[i]Hurrnnph[/i]... I had to make it seem real, didn't I? ...[i]Urgh- that burns.[/i]...and you've just set off the fire alarm... I don't suppose you have a plan to get us out of here?" "I don't. My fire won't hold outside this place, either." "Excellent. When's lunch?" [[i]The sound of loud knocking accompanied by shouts of concern and inquiry. Hector can be heard laughing maniacally, as the sound of crackling flames eventually drowns out the rest of the audio.[/i]] [[b][i]Phhhhhhssss....Shhhhh....[/i][/b]] [/hider] [hider=Play two] The woman in black seems unaware of her being recorded, her gaze is fixed downwards and she sings gently, "I love you more than sugar. More than air. More than anything can compare. My sweet precious pear." Slowly, she drags her gaze upwards and into the camera. Verona Spider, stares quietly a moment before speaking. Her gaze is hypnotic in the way that they were not her own humdrum, brown human eyes. They churned instead with something that was even more familiar. Azure, cobalt, sapphire all lapsing into waves of murky cerulean. The sea, the lake, rivers, clouds, glaciers, rain, all aspects of the water were represented in some hue of another. These were not her eyes. These were the eyes of Avan O'Shalna. "Damien...Helen...what I am about to tell you is for your eyes and ears only." It takes her a few moments until she's able to manage it, but finally she stands up. The folds of her blouse is dragged taught by gravity and her pregnant belly sags awkwardly as she begins to pace the length of the room. Both knees wobble precariously as if she is still unused to the new physics of her body. Pressing both hands into the small of her back, she sighed deeply; a tired and weighty sound that translated through hologram as static haze. "I've missed you both very much, and Ulrich t-too..." her eyes ripple as if [i]real[/i] seawater were about to spill over on to her cheeks, Verona stops herself and then shakes her head, "Sorry...I'm just a little emotional these days...After Daddy found out about my pregnancy he shipped me out of state. To Texas. [i]Texas[/i] of all places. Can you believe it? He's going to run for president soon but he can't even stand the sight of his own daughter." a low hiccup and she continues, "Helen I'm sorry for leading you on like this, but I had to make sure that I wasn't being traced." The image on the hologram shifts and pans around a crowded street, where people are holding up signs like "Tree? Beats Me!" and "New York HATES Tree Shaggers". Fire hydrants and water fountains rattled with some uncertainly. Storm clouds gather and swirl with pent up anger. Three figures stand atop the steps of city hall. Two of them tall. One short. It takes a moment for the image to focus before one realizes that this is a recording that had taken place almost a year ago. Avan, flanked by both brothers, was addressing the crowd, talking over the low murmur. This was the day New York had cast it's deciding vote that peoples of more than one-seventh's Fae blood could not possess the right to vote in state or federal issues. [indent]"Fae is less a race than it is a metaphor for a political circumstance subscribed by struggles against economic exploitation and cultural domination: a state of consciousness that peoples of various races have experienced. Undeserved, because it is well known that since the dawn of existence, Man and Faerie kind have intermingled. The ridiculous notion of racial superiority and sticking to one's own race is only a few hundred years old. What I am trying to say dear Brothers and Sisters, is that we are all Earth's children. Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, George Washington were all documented with some amounts of orc blood--- however with the exception of perhaps, Napoleon who was rumored to be Gnomish. We know this. We know this and we have granted Fae the rights to marry. We have granted them the right to a fair and speedy trial. Yet the great state of New York will not grant us the right to vote? Brothers and Sisters if Faeries are not allowed to vote, then by definition nobody should have the right to vote. There is magic in everyone's veins-- why discriminate by drops and ounces? Why persecute those of us who may look different or those of us who possess the abilities of our ancestors? Brothers and Sisters we are on the brink of a revolution! A revolution that has been building in the pit of our souls for generations. Do not fear the growing vines, the ever tangling roots. Do not fear your restless cattle. Fear the locusts! Fear the encroaching concrete-- because it is America Incorporated that will be the death of you. Not trees which bear you fruit. But the city of locusts! The hive mind of greed with enslaves you with convenience!" [/indent] The image shimmers and winks out of existence before blinking back to Verona's face. "Do you remember that day? I do. Daddy was in such a rage." Her face lights up with delight and in her giggling, she gives a little snort. "Listen. We are going to [i]get[/i] Ulrich back. And we are going to beat these sons of bitches at their own game. It's not going to be easy." she warned, "But if all we can do is at least make a small dent in our lifetimes, that will have been all Avan wanted us to do. Right now we live for the [i]pride[/i] our children will feel when they invoke our names to the future generations. Change is brewing." For emphasis, she grabs her own belly "Damien. Unlike Ulrich, you are able to inhibit Avan's rage in order to bring justice to your kind. You are Gaia's sword-- and for now, you are Avan's only living, and breathing example of what it takes to shake this city and it's inhabitants to it's very foundation--" she winces and then staggers backward, reaching around behind her Verona then collapses back into her leather oxblood chair, "Sorry... I get carried away." she rubs her belly, "Hopefully, Damien your little nephew will be able to hold down the front lines with you soon enough." she adds in a small whisper, "Helen, don't let em' get you tied down, fae-babies do some freaky things to a girl..." "As for Ulrich... I only know as much as Avan would tell me. But he spoke of Ulrich discovering him as a boy. I believe that dryad Nimmy would know more about this.... but as I understand it Avan is [i]all[/i] Ulrich knows." she purses her lips as if straining to articulate her meaning, "They were both just boys without parents. Avan was a little older so he became not only his brother.. but like a father figure. Damien you grew up thinking you were human. That must have been very confusing and difficult. But Avan's death has given you strength and fuel--- while Ulrich...he... he's in complete denial." she frowns, "I know you two are sometimes at odds, but you have to realize he's never known anything else. He's never [i]been[/i] anything else, [i]but[/i] a Fae. I'd be willing to bet you're the only one who can make him see reason." The walls of the room emit a high pitched screech and [i]zzzzzshhhhh[/i] as previously unseen paneled sections depress and flip. Weapons. Guns. Swords. Bows. Axes. Smoke pellets-- contraptions that looked too complicated to prove useful. Keys to what looked like army tanks, and fighter jets. Models of hoverboards that hadn't even been released yet, communicators, preserves, shields. Rows and rows of modern and streamlined Sea Tiger uniforms... Enough for a small army. "Damien and Helen? Say hello to several billion in taxpayer money. We are not only going to rescue Ulrich. We are going to grab who ever did this to my brother-in-law, by the balls and we are going to make em' sing." she finishes off in a southern drawl and mumbles something about the Texas accent being 'catchy'. "There are a group of humans who Ulrich and I believe are behind the recent Goblin attacks. Somewhere below this hotel is the entrance to the underground Goblin territories. Get in, get out, and we can get back on track to realizing Avan's drea--" [i][b]Pfffftt-sshhhh[/b][/i] "I've got a better idea, Verona." A man's face, fuzzes and then flickers crisp on screen "How about, Damien his little girlfriend here, along with [i]everyone[/i] in this whole fucking hotel along with the first fifty feet of it's foundation explodes into a million little pieces?" he chuckles delightedly, and then claps "My wish I could see the looks on your faces... oh wait! I can!" he is in hysterics now, "I've got cameras everywhere! Ahhhh... but forgive me. You see, I have not properly introduced myself." [center][img=http://www.festival-cannes.com/thumb.php?sourceDirectory=/assets/Image/Pages/&sourceFile=ImageResume_fr_60101_51973d1eb631c.png&predefinedSize=quotidien_actu_article] [i]"You may call me Gideon."[/i][/center] "And since Ulrich and that [i]delinquent[/i] Orc has somehow managed to escape our custody, I am going to give you a fighting's chance to save him and yourselves. How about that, yes? Splendid. Now." he smiles cheerfully, "No doubt you will find Ulrich somewhere in the tunnels below, but remember little ones, I've got the first fifty feet rigged to blow-- you will convince the Goblin Don to give us access to the underground lake. And, [i]annnnnd[/i] as an added bonus, you will also convince Ulrich to tell us how he get's that wonderful 'Path' of his to appear. You have three days to accomplish this modest favor." He gives a little wave and then the image shrinks into non-existence. [/hider] [It's such a shame that all that firepower will go to waste in the explosion...I just found a satisfactory image of Verona] [hider=Verona Spider] [img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcppvj8LpR1rz0nlco1_500.jpg] Shown without her normal eye color. [/hider]