Big fraking BSG fan? Great! Just a nugget who’s never seen the series? Great! The entire series is available to watch instantly on Netflix and readily available for torrent, which creates the opportunity to do a group watch-through RP of the series. Be a viper pilot, marine, politician, engineer, skin job, rookie, prophet, lawyer, stowaway, passenger, or anything else aboard the Galactica, and follow along with the plot episode by episode. There would be an episode schedule with a new RP period every other day, giving each player a chance to watch the show and write for their character. The BSG universe is tremendously rich in gritty sci-fi action, political intrigue, and struggle for survival. Locations aboard the Galactica include the bridge, landing bay, life station, cybernetics laboratory, computer center, bachelor warrior’s quarters, pilot training center, council chamber, courtroom, brig, chapel, auditorium, rejuvenation center, officer’s club, airlocks, children’s classroom, celestial chambers, in addition to miles of corridors linking facilities and off-ship locations. We would dynamically play off the main story, carrying out side missions and creating relationships with other crew members along the way. If this is something that sparks your interest, please say so here, and I’ll work on getting some character templets together. So say we all.