If you saw the title and thought "Odyssey" or "Aeneid," you weren't too far off. The basic idea is this: The city of Relar lies burning. A lone ship escaped, carrying a captain and her passengers away from the wreckage of their homes and the enemy which even now persues them. The [I]Incorrigible Turtle[/I] is a fine ship, but she's seen better days and is in bad need of repairs, a stop that will have to be made before the travelers can find themselves a new home. Meanwhile, the crew is facing its own difficulties. You see, the captain is a woman. It's nothing remarkable nowadays, but then and in that part of the world it was [I]unheard[/I] of. Grumbling among the older passengers, people who have never been more than fifty miles from their birthplace, gets louder every day. In a veritable sea of monsters with countless islands infested with evil between the ship and her goal, how can they make it? (Sound interesting?)