Did Amanda Kissinger ever guess that she would stoop this low? Robbing people who were supposed to be on her parents’ side because they didn’t support their choices? No, she never pegged herself for doing something like this. But it was the only way she could see fit to help get her parents back up to where they used to be in their high society standards. She used to never have to work, even though she was 23, her parents covered everything for her and wanted her to get an amazing education. Hence her being at Yale (she thought of Harvard but changed her mind); for anyone unaware of this, Yale is an expensive school to go to and now that her parents were both working and so was she; they only had enough to get by and all the fun things, family trips, going to their beach house (which they had to sell) and just being a dorky family. Now her father was stuck as a sale’s associate making enough to help the family scrap by on bills; her mother is one of six secretaries for Big Corp, who makes a whole bunch of mechanical devices around the city and Amanda was a low level employee at the Allstone Security Company. Probably the worst place for her to be employed since she is a computer genius who had turned to theft to help keep her family out of the poorhouse. Though a few good things are still functioning her life, the house was paid off, so they didn’t have any fear of losing it; her grades reflected her intelligence with high As in all of her courses and she had a very caring best friend, Jake Allstone. The good looking muscular guy had kept her company throughout her parents’ tragic loss to the scam that caused them to lose all their money. The worst of the situation being everyone in town who had a lot of money were trying to get into the deal that her parents got into, and once it bit them in the butt; a lot of people turned their backs to the Kissinger family and that… that didn’t sit well with her. And for that, she didn’t feel guilty stealing from them. She was getting referred to as a Modern Day Robin Hood, only female. Why? Because she didn’t just steal for her family, she showed pity on the lower end of society in the city because now she knew what it was like to be in their shoes. It’s not as though the young woman looked down upon the when she was up on her pedestal but she never understood what it was like to be at the bottom until she found herself there with her parents. Money would appear in random bank accounts from an unknown source, people would find bundles of cash in mail boxes, homeless people would say their pillow felt weird and would open up the case to find money awaiting their acceptance. But that still didn’t make up for the fact that she was a thief, something none of her family’s friends seemed to enjoy and something that her parents did frown upon. The few people that had stuck with them, like the Allstones’ were getting annoyed with the thief but they had to leave it to the authorities to catch the person. Or so she assumed was the situation. Amanda was smart about it though, she kept her voice with a device around her neck that looked like a black cat collar. Why? Because it looked good and made her voice sound different, higher than her normal voice and if she screamed she’d sound like a cat hissy, something that wouldn’t draw attention. Normally Amanda had a deep, almost seductive woman voice; her voice typically held some form of sensuality to it without her even trying. She wasn’t sure why but her mom had the same tone to her voice. It ran in the family. A figure dropped down nearby but she paid no mind to it, her attention was finally drawn to it as the thing coughed. She stopped, her body language screaming that she was annoyed as she turned to look in the direction of the cloaked figure. “That’s the point.” She said sharply, her body shape was completely different in her suite; she had her waist pulled in to be as thin as possible and her normally round butt pushed against her and her chest flattened down as tightly as she could. Why? Have you ever tried to crawl through an air duct with a bubble butt and a chest? It’s very difficult! So flatten everything was a time cruncher but when you build it into your suite, it works to your advantage. She rolled her contact green eyes at him before giving him a little wave, her diamond tipped gloves reflecting in the street light. “Good bye.” With that she kept walking, not even giving it a thought that he might be out to stop her. Stupid moron running around playing hero, she had been doing this for a while and was trained in a lot of hand to hand combat; he should know better than to mess with a kitten who has claws.