[b]24 hours after the killings[/b] Tristan slammed his head on the counter a few times from lack of sleep and the fact that he had just murdered two of his closest friends. Not only did he murder them, but he then proceeded to stage the entire event as an accident. He turned the gas on from the stove and then turned the microwave on. The two ignited creating a seemingly large explosion which would have emergency personnel flock to the scene and investigate after they controlled the flames. Tristan's things would all be burned, his friends would be burned, and his memories of his past life would all be burned. He was now trying to figure out what to do next, he was a vampire...he did not want this...he hated this...earlier in the day he had a gun inside his mouth, cocked and loaded, but something inside him forced the hand down and the gun to fall to his side. A little after that he found himself where he was now, inside the place where it all began. Looking for a direction, a sense of purpose, because whatever he was meant to do as a human was no longer an option. He could not kill himself, and he could not bare to live as thing he turned into. "Well hello cutie, have I seen you before?" Tristan turned to look where the soft voice was coming from, when he did her face captivated him for a second as the eyes looked endless and her lips so perfect. He quickly found that their was something familiar about her, something he already knew about her, he had met her before...she was her! He wanted to hit her in the face, take a big bite out of her neck, show her what she made him but he knew they were in public. He needed to approach this gently but before he could she already invited him to a private booth. He accepted...he needed questions answered and maybe even killer her after they were. Once they reached a private room, there were three other individuals sitting inside, all of them had liquor on the table and cups of red in their hands. As soon as the door shut, Tristan couldn't wait any longer, "What the fuck did you do to me!?" The woman kept walking toward the comfortable looking couch and sat down crossing her left leg over her right leg. Her hands folded in front of one another and rested on her lap, shaking some of her hair back away from her eyes she looked at the seat in front of her to signal she wanted Tristan to sit down. "No! Not until-" "Tristan...you will sit, I understand you have questions, but first show me some respect, after all I gave you a gift." She smiled with pride, "Fuck that! I killed my best friend, I killed his girlfriend, and I'll end up having to kill again because of what you made me! Because of you I have noth-" "Everything...yes your friends are unfortunate, yes your old life is gone, but you have been gifted with a new life, a life that you can control, you are stronger, faster, and in every way more superior than any human being." "I didn't ask for this! I never asked to be superior than anybody!" "Oh...no? Last night...it sounded as though you did want this, you said you were bored...bored of the mundane routine that was your life." Tristan was drunk, he liked his life...right? He was comfortable, he had what any man at his age could want. Job security, youth, friends, pot, alcohol, a choice in women...then again it was his choice in women that created this huge mess...or was it a mess now? Yes! He had fucking killed his friends! "Cat got your tongue love? It's ok, meet me here at this address and we will discuss how to...what's the word I want to use, adjust to your current needs...I promise you will learn to embrace this change." She waved her left hand as a man approached the table with urgency and placed a piece of paper down in front of Tristan and pushed it closer to him. The man lifted his hand up and walked away, the woman hinted for him to open it and then spoke once more. "My name is Alice Pandra, some will call me Scarlet...I will see you at that address." The man came back over and signaled Tristan to get up and then the man escorted Tristan out of the room. The door was shut behind Tristan as he exited and all he had was an address. He did not like where this was headed but quite frankly he had no choice. He was going to be found for questioning eventually, he was already a vampire, and he did not have nearly enough money to keep a float for more than a few months. It seemed the address was the only option, what did he have to lose?