Josie laughed as he pulled her up from the floor, snatching the brush from him playfully before he had the chance to pull it out of her reach once again. He lifted Vigo into the air soon after. The cat, to Josie's shock, was audibly purring as Aaron scratched his ears, his tail swaying in pleasure as he nuzzled against Aaron's gentle touch. She shook his head with a small laugh and walked back into the kitchen to check the chicken. "My grandmother and I moved to Sweden when I was eleven... She had her own estate out there, complete with a few paid maids here and there. I spent most of my time when I was younger, in the kitchen or in town, but usually left a mess in my wake. I've been back in the states since I was seventeen and still lack cleaning up after myself sometimes." She pulled the chicken from the water, clicking her tongue as she shred it with a fork and then scraped it back into the pot. She pulled rice from the cabinet, added a little bit more bouillon for flavor, and poured in the rice. "I don't know your stance on drinking, but I've got water, wine and Pepsi, but that's it." She pulled down two wine glasses, just in case, along with a couple of glasses. She filled her wine glass half way with her bottle of Pinot Grigio, "I've got Pinot, Chard, Cabernet..." the list of wines could have gone on, considering that's all she really enjoyed to drink to unwind. She waited for his choice of drink, filled the glass, and walked it over to him as they both sat down. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what is Taipei like?" She rested her chin on her hand and took a sip of her wine, smiling softly.