[Center][b]Character Sheet[/b] (With a few jokes towards the end)[/center] Name: Dese And Aviine Atranga Race: Atzi Humans Age: 28 and 27 Gender: Males Appearance: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BdKrp3ICUAA2Z8b.jpg:large (Not img'd since it didn't seem to be showing properly) Dese (Left): Tall (6'6), muscular, broad shouldered, with a deep, crisp, and attractive/charismatic voice. However, despite his voice he doesn't seem like the most approachable person. Aviine (Right): Tall (6'3), muscular, broad shouldered, with a deep, crisp and attractive/charismatic voice, although less so than Dese. He is more approachable. Faction: Freelancers Biography:[hider=Cool story bro] Members of the proud Atzi tribe, a nation famed for producing men of great survival skill both in the wilds and in battle, Dese and Aviine were born and raised in a village close to the Atzi nation's Eastern borders. Dese, son of the village Chief, was next in line to rule the village. Aviine was the son of a Conjuskan general who had raped their mother, Nari, while on the way to capture a fort in Ezdenah. Despite this, the Chief took him in as his own son and treated him as such. Dese and Aviine grew close over the years, and their relationship did not change after they found out about the circumstance under which Aviine was conceived. Luckily for Aviine, no one else in the village could be certain that he was not the Chief's true son, and was thus spared the role of outcast. It is, however, evident in the fact that he is less masculine than Dese. Dese was trained by his father on how to be the best Chief he could, and how to be strong as a warrior, hunter, and a leader. Aviine, being the second son, was trained by the village Shaman to take his place one day. However, the Atzi are a war based culture, and often contacted when mercenaries are needed. They are a nation of excellent sell swords, and thus Aviine was trained how to wield a weapon, for even the Shaman are expected to know how to fight. Ironically, the Shaman Aviine trained under was the Chief's younger brother, just as Aviine is to Dese. Dese would often talk to Aviine about the things father taught him, but being a Shamanistic apprentice, Aviine was not allowed to share any of his trade's secrets. This at first frustrated Dese, but he later came to accept it. Life was good, until one day their mother disappeared. During the frantic disarray in the village, Dese told his brother that he was going to find her. Aviine offered to come, but Dese was determined that he should stay to help protect the village and finish his training, and so his younger brother did as he said. Dese took the village's best horse and was off. Dese caught up to his mother in a short amount of time, thanks to his phenomenal tracking skills. He saw that she was being transported as a prisoner to slavery - illegaly. Without men to back him, it wasn't possible to try and free her alone, so he followed them for weeks to West Conjuska, where he saw her whisked away into a building. Knowing that he wasn't a quick thinker or too charismatic when it came to high pressure conversation, he stole some money to rent a room in an inn, where he planned out how he could make the discussion move in order to get Nari back. Being from the famed Atzi nation, he got many looks from all sorts of people. Some of disgust, others of awe, and hints of fear. The next day he entered the building only to find that she had been sold off the same day she was taken in. He found the house to be owned by an older and forgotten Conjuskan general. The Conjuskan general immediately recognized him as one of the notorious Atzi warriors, and offered a deal: Should Dese work as a guard in his household for three years, he would return his mother in good condition. Dese, seeing no alternative, agreed. The job brought Dese good money, and it was enough for him to buy himself decent clothes, armor, weapons, maintain his belongings, and even a guard dog to accompany him on the job. The money was a daily motivation, and he knew it would pay off in the end when he would reclaim his mother and bring gold back to the village. The general had only one son, Ishmaeru, whom he wasn't very close to, a dead wife, and because of the fact that the sands of Conjuskan history had forgotten him he had grown a dark heart. Ishmaeru was about 22 years of age and unmarried, and had picked up on his father's black soul. He seemed happiest putting others down, which was clearly evident when he called Dese barbarian scum and mocked his motives. Despite all this, Dese pushed on, keeping his mother in mind. The day came when his mother was supposed to arrive, and he woke up earlier than usual and paced outside to relieve himself of all his pent up energy. It was a cool morning, and he was full of positive excitement until he heard the screaming. Grabbing a blade, he rushed to the source of the sound, hearing the general roar [I]"I haven't had this in years!"[/I] Upon reaching the doors of the room where the screaming came from, he encountered two guards, who he pushed past before rushing into the room. Upon entering, there he found his mother, helpless, being raped by the cruel general. She was still beautiful, having aged barely over the years since she first had Dese, and he had no trouble recognizing her. Enraged, he quickly slayed the general without any words. The two guards came in, heavily armed with much bigger blades than he, but Dese still killed them both. Afterwards, he cut off the General's head and attached it to his clothing, for it is an Atzi custom to carry the heads of those who have terribly wronged you. His mother and he grabbed as many belongings as they could, saddled his horse, and rode off. That night whilst sleeping in camp, Dese awoke to the sound of his horse. It sounded troubled, and it's cries were suddenly cut off. Then, he heard muffled screaming and struggling. Upon exiting his tent, he found his horse dead and his mother being dragged away from the campfire. He was about to rescue her when several men pointed their crossbows, and from behind the group stepped Ishaemaru. He sarcastically congratulated Dese for making it this far, before promptly pulling out a dagger and cutting his mother's throat. Ishaemaru then commanded one of his best men to combat Dese for sick entertainment, and everybody watched the fight go on. Dese was an enraged fighter, and was about to cut down his heavily armed and armored foe when, during combat, the ground shifted. Both of them were too locked in battle to risk paying it any mind, but they paid the price when a wyvern erupted from the sands. It had been disturbed, and they had woken a close cousin of dragons. Along with its mate. The two wyverns immediately began to wreak havoc, one of them grabbing Dese's opponent and killing him with one sick, bone crunching bite. Some men ran, and others stayed to fight. Those who stayed didn't live through the night. During the confusion, Dese met with Ishmaeru, who insulted him, calling him barbarian scum and laughing about the death of his mother. Dese, no longer able to control his wrath, cut Ishmaeru to his knees and slammed two fingers each into his eyes, the tips of all of them reaching the insolent shit's brain. He took Ishmaeru's head as well. Immediately afterwards, the swinging tail of a wyvern smashed into him, damaging his left knee and sending him flying. His head hit a rock and he lost consciousness for a few minutes. After regaining it and memory of what had just happened, he crawled on his belly through the sands and grass to his tent whilst the wyverns gorged on their newly acquired feast. Slipping past them, he grabbed as many belongings as he could, putting them in a pack onto his back. Crawling out of the tent, he took a mournful look at his mother's body which lay motionless on the sands. The moment was interrupted as a wyvern picked her up and ate. Dese trekked across North Conjuska for months. He feared that there would be a bounty out for him, and being an Atzi warrior with a limp in the left knee was not something common, so identifying him would not be hard. Thus, he rarely entered cities, and when he did he only stayed for one night, two on a rare occasion. In between cities, he survived and fended for himself in the wilderness. His speed progressed once he had stolen a camel. He was at his last stop: a city south of his home village, and was relieved to know he would soon be home with his family once more. That all changed, however, when he spotted a girl he recognized at the city market. It was Izi, a girl from the village. They were glad to see each other once more, but Dese was confused as to why she was there. She led him to a dilapidated building, where he saw 16 other members of his village. All were women and children, save for Aviine. Aviine and Dese reunited, and it was the first true happiness either of them had felt in years. Aviine explained that ever since Dese left and didn't return, their father thought his wife and son dead and dwindled into deep depression. Ezdenite raiders attacked the village about 6 months ago, and despite being heavily outnumbered, the Atzi warriors would not back down as a solid code of their culture. The village was burnt to the ground. The men and dogs: killed. The horses and most of the women and children: taken. The Shaman too was killed, right before Aviine had finished his training, and the Chief too fell, meaning Dese was now in charge. Aviine had to cast an offensive spell to save the rest of the village, and they all came to the city for refuge, where they had been living off of next to nothing. The building they were in didn't even have a roof. Dese's emotions boiled once more, and he seemed like he was about to explode when Aviine calmed him down and explained that was still hope: If they could approach the Tribal Council they could ask for money to help the village get back on its feet. The Tribal Council ruled the Atzi nation with an iron fist, and they knew it would be no easy task, especially since they would be frowned upon for being beat in battle. And frowned upon they were. After Dese's limp healed they headed to the King's Village, where the Tribal Council, headed by the Atzi King himself, resided. The Tribal Council deemed Dese and Aviine's village unworthy for falling in combat. The King seemed like he wanted to testify, but pressure from his peers caused him too to agree that the village was a weak link, and should be severed. Dese and Aviine headed back to the city with hard feelings, and began to discuss taking matters into their own hands. It was decided that all that was left for them was doing what the Atzi are known for best: Killing. And so kill they did; they quickly took up jobs as mercenaries, climbing the latter to more high paying jobs. Dese taught Aviine more about the blade, showing him new moves that he had learned in West Conjuska, and different weapons. Aviine still declined to share his secrets, but there was mutual understanding on that end. The brothers travelled across Conjuska, becoming well known in certain areas and working one or two jobs in the southern forests of Aeribis. They did whatever they could to make money; including their employers' dirty work. They spent all of their hard earned money supporting themselves and their village, managing to buy decent homes for their kin, put clothes on their backs and food in their mouths. Dese bought his own dog, Akimbo, who would accompany him on many of his missions. Life began to bear good fruit for the brothers, and they decided that they had earned enough money to take a break - until they heard about the demon threat, that is. Fueled by their sudden success in their past years, ambition drove them to head north to see what this job had to offer them. If you actually read all this, wow. If not, scroll da fuk back up.[/hider] Skills: Dese – Skilled with One handed weapons, North Conjuskan wilderness survival, Camel and Horse riding, Shield technique, Spear technique, Cooperation with his dog, Grappling, Endurance, Hunting/Tracking, Crossbow technique, Archery. Dese is an overall excellent warrior, tracker and athlete. Aviine – Skilled with One handed weapons, North Conjuskan wilderness survival, Camel and Horse riding, Shield technique, Spear technique, Cooperation with his eagle, Grappling, Endurance, Hunting/Tracking, Crossbow technique, Archery. Aviine is overall an excellent warrior, tracker, and athlete, although less so than Dese. More to come in roleplay. Weaknesses: Neither of them are very sociable or approachable people, Dese more so than Aviine. They can often times be socially awkward and don't understand many of the non-Conjuskan/Atzi customs. They can not swim or read, and are extremely vulnerable to falling ill in Northern regions. Aviine's shamanistic practices can be very time consuming and keep him from fulfilling other duties. Often times, any spell or hex he casts comes with the price of him feeling tired over the next day or more, along with the fact that he may have to do hours of ceremonies in return. Neither of them can perform efficiently with two handed weapons or in heavy armor or have any experience surviving in lands outside of North Conjuska. They have next to absolutely no knowledge of the animal and plant life outside of North Conjuska, which limits their survival ability and Aviine's ability to create more tonics. Although they both have had much experience riding horses, they have not done so in years and may be rusty if the time calls for mounting one. Both brothers face discrimination for being of Atzi ethnicity and are also emotionally troubled Equipment: Dese and Aviine typically share equipment with Aviine being the one to mainly have anything of his own, being a shaman. Still, some are used mainly by Dese. [center][b]Both[/b][/center] [b]Steel:[/b] 18 inch one edged blade (2), 48 inch double edged sword (2) , 24 inch double bladed axe - 4 inch pikes coming from between the blades (2), 18 inch jagged edged arrow (34), 22 inch across shield – see appearance picture for length (1), 7 foot spear (1), 5 foot spear (2), 36 inch scythe jagged outside edge (1), 6 inch throwing knife (7), 36 inch diameter round shield (2), Cross bow (2), 8 inch cross bow bolts (60), Cloaked scale armor (1), cloak (2), Steel cuffed boot (2) 50 foot grappling hooks (2), [hider=Strange helmet (1)][img]http://geekologie.com/2013/06/06/demonic-medieval-helmet-3.jpg[/img][/hider] Balls (Trolol) [b]Clothing[/b]: Casual Aeribissian outfit (2) Classy Aeribissian outfit (2) Casual Conjuskan outfit (1), Classy Conjuskan outfit (1), Weapons belt (4), Boot (4) [b]Quesei[/b]: A hardy camel from down south, Dese and Aviine have brought him to Aeribis rather than spend money buying a horse. He is indifferent to strangers for the most part, having a rather careless attitude unless immediate danger is present. Being a camel he has excellent endurance, able to outpace any horse over long distances. An odd sight to see being ridden through the forests, Quesei is a young, large animal who will soon be hitting his prime. [center][b]Dese[/b][/center] [b]Akimbo[/b]: Based off of the Rhodesian Ridgeback, Akimbo is Dese’s closest companion after his brother. Akimbo is a Conjuskan variant of an Atzi breed of dog, made to be an all purpose canine. They can be trained to be expert hunters, fighters, and guards. If brought up right, they are usually calm animals when around those they love. When the time comes for it, however, they can become an expression of unbridled fury. Bred to be able to withstand high and low temperatures, Akimbo can live comfortably in a wide range of environments. The breed is incredibly athletic, and not to be disturbed. They are notorious for acts of aggression and will not be tolerated in some cities. Dese bought Akimbo from illegal sellers in a Conjuskan city. Being a guard dog, Akimbo will not immediately warm up to whoever he sees interacting with Dese. As a result, he may seem as though he is distant and anti social. No, he is simply watching to make sure no one makes the wrong move. [b]Clothing:[/b] See picture (1) [center][b]Aviine[/b][/center] [b]Shamanistic:[/b] Various herbs, potions, poisons, and animal parts. Shaman staff, spiritual objects used for meditation, blessings, etc. [b]Diminuendei:[/b] An eagle with a 7.5 foot wingspan, Diminuendei is a close companion of Aviine. He was pushed out of his nest as a chick, and miraculously survived. The parents never took him back and so Aviine took and raised him. Everybody expected the eagle to fly off and never come back once it could, but it never did, instead returning to the village to spend time with Aviine. It is a bird of prey with huge talons and can be extremely [I]dangerous[/I] to humans if troubled. During the raid on the village, the eagle killed one particular elf who was about to strike Aviine from behind. The last thing the elf’s brain registered were talons driving deep into his skull. However, Diminuendei will only hurt those who pose an immediate threat to Aviine. This does not mean he is friendly; he is aloof to strangers and his gaze looks like a permanent glare, keeping most people away. [b]Clothing[/b]: See picture (1) Other: In Atzi culture, suicide and backing down are against a strict cultural code. This particular distaste towards suicide is likely the only thing that saved Dese’s father from committing suicide after spiraling into depression. The Atzi have bred some of the best heat resistant and battle efficient horses, camels, and dogs. When recognized as Atzi, Dese and Aviine are often treated differently. Sometimes this good, sometimes this is bad. Quesei, being a camel, will always looked stoned. Akimbo and Diminuendei are both free roaming animals. This means that they come and go as they please, although they have yet to ever lose track of where their human companions are. As such, there will be times when they go missing for days. At the command of Aviine or Dese, however, they will stay for as long as they are needed. Akimbo will listen to both Dese and Aviine, although rarely to the latter. Diminuendei, on the other hand, takes orders from Aviine and absolutely [I]no one else[/I]. Dese and Aviine are good at basketball. We all know why. Having done the dirty work of their employers over the years, Dese and Aviine have been desensitized to things that others would see as violent and cruel. They are not knights; they have no strict list of no this and no that. They still follow the rules condemning suicide and retreat, but apart from that they have next to no limits. They have morals, but will not hesitate to over step them if their village is involved. [hider=Theme song][youtube]jukyDXGrs-M[/youtube][/hider]