Josie listened attentively as he spoke of Taipei, seeming happy and joyful as he spoke of the place. She audibly agreed with him at the mention of kids who looked up to their elders. Her eyes dropped to the table as he worked at drawing something on a piece of paper. She smiled softly, peering at the drawing. "Again, that's a beautiful theory. Is there anything you're not good at?" She laughed in disbelief. "But Taipei sounds wonderful." She continued to study the drawing in her hands as her fingers danced over the gorgeous lettering of Aaron's language. She realized she had been sitting like that for a couple of seconds longer than she should have. She laughed softly and looked back up at Aaron. "Sorry, foreign languages are almost as gorgeous as music to me. If I had to go back to college and change my major, I would want to change it to foreign language studies." The stove audibly began to sizzle and Josie hurried to her feet and over to the stove top. She pulled the pot off and quickly put it to the side, adding salt and pepper right then and there, but not too much that she overpowered the chicken. Steam billowed from the pot and she bit her lip and pulled down two bowls for each of them along with a flat plate. She took a single spoonful, flattening it out on the plate to cool down quicker. Vigo, as if he knew he was getting a treat, hurried into the kitchen with his tail up. "Oh no you don't," she intercepted him and walked back into the living room, the cat in her arms. "I've visited all of the European countries, but nothing past that." She smiled at him as she sat down on the same couch, facing him. Her eyes dipped across his features, which had drastically changed emotionally wise. He had gone to being red in the face, stressed, upset and tearful, to actually seeming relaxed. They sat there for a few moments of comfortable silence before Josie stood again. She pulled her tied up hair from its trap, the blonde waves dropping down her back as she walked back to the kitchen. She poured the chicken and rice in to two bowls, the steam rising as she took a deep smell of the aroma. Walking back into the living room with both bowls and spoons, she kneeled down at the coffee table to eat. "I don' t have a kitchen table set up yeah, so please forgive me." She smiled weakly at him, hoping he'd understand.