Kalinda flinched at the voice, eyes darting towards it, to see the woman in the shadows walk towards her. She ignored the decor, not im prodded by it when all she wanted to do was get out of there. As the woman walked towards her, it was clear that while the clothes were modern, she was not. Kalinda curled up into a tighter position as the woman neared her, and then sat on the bed, drawing kalinda's eye to the stain. Oh, god, god, god, was that her blood? Kalinda was sure that it was, and a low whimpering whine escaped her, as she shuddered. She tore her eyes away from it, managing to not look at the stain again even as she shook. Her eyes were drawn back to the woman as she began to speak. Child? Kalinda wasn't a child, she had passed childhood ages ago, if she'd ever even had a childhood. She turned her face as the woman tocuhed her check, wincing as if she expected a blow. She didn't want to remember, to want to remember at all what had happened, just remembering the pull of her blood out her body made her whimper. As the woman caressed her check, it was clear that Kalinda was unsure what to do, and she squirmed, because no one had ever done that to her before, at least not that she could remember. The woman, Miranda-at least she had a name now-seemed amused that Kalinda didn't know what was going on, and Kalinda looked away. She was silent for a moment, before saying softly "what have you done to me?"