[i]What the heck?[/i] Jake thought to himself after the woman's response. Since he dawned the whole superhero outfit he had never been talked to so normally or for lack of a better word crassly. Rude, sarcastic, mean, and downright uncalled for tones were used, but never anything so standard. The whole this disarmed him more than a taser and he had learned the hard way just how much those things suck. Several times in fact. Regardless she had thrown the only attack at him that he wasn't ready for so he was pretty much caught flat footed. The only thin that woke him up was the fact that he was half a sentence behind her. So while she was saying his goodbyes he had just heard her talk about how being hard to see was the whole point of the outfit. "Wait a minute your the thief that has been pilfering jewels!" He shot his web slinger at the street light above him and yanked the web causing him to launch up into the air. While airborne he shot a webbing towards her which snagged a part of her jacket. It wasn't enough to immobalize her, in fact he mostly missed. Still new to the whole aim from the waist swinging deal. He then landed a few feet from her and started to talk. "I'm going to have to ask you to..." All at once the world was upside down and he was the only thing seeing that. The woman had put her arm around his and then launched herself around him in some sort of counterweight throw. The response was faster than his spider-sense and above all very nearly could have dislocated his shoulder if he hadn't been able to rotate in response. "HEY!" Was all he could say as he felt her roll away. He was lucky he was used to the rough treatment. Long before any of the thugs he dealt with on a nightly bases he was the punching bag of choice for one Amanda Kissinger. She was an old dear friend of his. Her recent family troubles had been a stress inducer to say the least and it had been weighing him down. Considering his family now employed her he had taken to the internet to get advice on how to handle that whole situation. Needless to say everyone's remarks were in the running for worst lines even when they went up against the thugs words of choice. The woman had rolled away and already on her feet when Jake pushed off from the ground and was now latched on and crawling against the building's wall. "You are not doing that again. Return what you stole and you can go. You don't need those things there is too much blood on them." He was then interrupted by MARY who began to speak in his ear. "You are correct Jake. From my understanding she stole from the second Willman deposit. There have been several grand jury transcrips that would indicate that family is heavily involved in the blood diamond trade. It would be to our advantage to capture this woman and then allow the police to apprehend the diamonds. Once they are put into evidence their origins will become public record and the state can begin to search into other parts of the Willman Diamond corporation." "Wait you mean they are actual blood diamonds from Africa?" Jake asked aloud. The context most likely lost to the thief. This was the one big problem with MARY. As interesting as she was no one else could hear her so it would always seem to an outside that Jake was just talking to himself while fighting crime. This was terrible for his PR since everyone was under the impression that he was some sort of escaped loony from a psych ward. Jake was pulled back as he saw the thief start to turn. "Don't run. I can catch up in a single jump. Just hand the diamonds over." He crawled a little closer and then jumped down again. This time he kept himself out of her reach. After all Jake wasn't interested in another kiss with the sidewalk.