[b]Region Number:[/b] 13 [b]Nation Name:[/b] Freywyn [b]Nation Leader/Name of Nation's Parliament:[/b] Lord Oblivion a.k.a. Toryllis Brosca / The Whispers (Representatives of each House / Caste / Organisation) [hider=Nation Banner][img=http://www.crocktees.com/_images/jpop/sun_pirates.png][/hider] [b]Race:[/b] Human [indent]- General Traits: Warlike / Isolationists / Inventive / Cunning / Religious[/indent] [b]Capital City:[/b] Admeryn [b]Other Major Settlements:[/b] Dyr'Shana / Caan [b]Gross Population:[/b] ~300,000 [b]Exports:[/b] Stone / Gold [hider=Brief Nation History]Thirty years ago, a civil war brought a faraway empire to its knees as brother slew brother and rivers of blood flooded the streets in the name of Gods and Kings. Men and women of all classes and ages, revolted in the name of Jukka the Mad Priest who was arrested by the King's Guard due to his excessively dark and twisted teachings towards every outsider and every non-believer. The war ended in favour of the King's followers and within days, everyone worshiping Jukka's Gods was banished from the lands of the kingdom and their names stripped from the Halls of the Dead. Around 200,000 men were forced, alongside their families and everyone of their bloodline, on a journey towards the unknown, bearing the name of Freywe which means Forgotten in their dialect. They settled in their current lands 25 years ago and thus Freywyn, Land of the Forgotten was born. To this day, they have kept themselves isolated in their lands, avoiding contact, and have devoted their lives to rebuilding and subduing their warlike nature although the rise of Toryllis Brosca to the throne may change that since he is in favour of forging ties with other nations and empires while spreading the teachings of the Black Church until every soul worships the Mad God and his prophet, Jukka.[/hider] ----------------------------- [b][i]Freywyn[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government: Toryllis Brosca / Unitary State [/b] [b]Settlements Owned:[/b] 3 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 1 [b]Population:[/b] ~300,000 [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - /<10,000>/[/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]-/<20>/<10><5>//[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 80%[/b] [b]Imports:[/b]- [b]Exports:[/b]Stone / Gold [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b]- [b]Trade Pacts:[/b]- [b]Cease Fires:[/b]- [/hider]