[center][u][b]Here Cometh the Wolves[/b][/u][/center] [center][i]“Raid them! Slaughter them all!” “STRING THAT BITCH UP!” “Burn that fat sow!” “Do it... just do it you sniveling coward” “Shut up! Just Shut up! There's no reason to cry.” “Please, please don't cry.. “No! NO! NNNOOOOO-[/i][/center] For the first time since Saul arrived in this strange land. He flinched slightly, and not at the sight of a sword or a swing or some magical horror. No. It was merely the words of a crazed Shaman. He sends a glare down at the Shaman and makes sure to move away from him. He didn't need to hear this. He didn't need to hear the ramblings of some lunatic. Not that he cared! It was irrelevant anyway and everyone here seemed to acknowledge that the crazed little lizard was there for poor amusement more than anything else. Right? Nothing that he said mattered right? It was all wacko talk. A bunch of crazies trying to break him. Well they couldn't if he wrapped his hands around that scaly little neck and pulled its trachea- “Indeed Clansmaster” Saul replies charismatically with a welcoming grin on his face. “I've been sent to investigate this nightkiller that has been giving the City a bit of trouble. Seems everyone is pinning the suspect to be either a lycan or Lizardfolk, on account of the killing methods seemingly being very... brutal. A lot of tearing and ripping to indicate claws or teeth.” Saul gestures to S'biss, specifically his claw-like nails and shrugs. Right now the one thing Saul could use more than anything else was a place to sit... and maybe a drink. Saul thought it a bit morbose that a blood stained clans temple would be the closest thing to a social gathering he would experience. But Dammit he would take what he could get. And to be perfectly honest, this was much better than those military ceremonies he had to subject himself to in Rheinfeld. “The paranoid idiots around these parts are naturally suspecting that it's either a “savage wolf” or a “barbarian lizard” going around killing these government officials. Of course, that's probably unlikely. My comrades have inspected a body and the wounds are too meticulous for the claws of a Lycan or Lizardfolk. But nonetheless, on the surface it doesn't look like a pretty case for your kind. Someone wants to make you folk out to be serial killers trying to destabilize the government.” Saul's face turns grim as he stares down at S'biss. “I think both of us know just how bad things will get if race wars break out. So it's something I'm trying to squash before the situation gets out of hand. Which leads me to why I came here in the first place.” He looked to his side to take a look at Rexel, whose hand was already instinctively reaching for his weapon. Understandable nervous, but also stupid. True, they weren't exactly in friendly territory. But that alone was why they needed to not be idiots. He snarls at Rexel and glares at his weapon hand, a sign to take his hand away from the sword pommel. The guards didn't seem to mind, but Saul wasn't taking any chances. “The latest victim went by the name of Erlfried, apparently he was a port official of some sort. I was hoping that you could tell me anything about him. Like who would benefit from wanting him dead?” S'biss crosses his arms, tail flicking before he nods, [b]"Troubling indeed..."[/b] S'biss looks around for a moment before booming out, [b]"Let any of those who have killed smoothskins of late step forward now."[/b] None step forward, but a shadow passes over the room as one attempts to sneak out of the room. A low rumble emanates through the room as S'biss addresses them, [b]"Krissviss. Step forward and speak."[/b] The lizardwarrior stops in his tracks and turns about, obviously frightened before he moves to the center of the battle circle, going onto one knee. Shaking, his eyes are downcast as he hisses, "Do not know the Erlfried, Clansssmassster.... But... It no me. No no, only the little ssssmoothssskinsss. They crunchy, tasty..." He shuffles uncomfortably, peeking up as his tongue flickers over his jowls uneasily. However, Rexel, at the confession, appears to have had enough. With a roar of anger, he draws his sword and rushes forth to attack the clansman on his feet. It was apparent that none were moving to help either the captain or the warrior. The warrior, though, was too quick, rolling aside and out of the way of the blade with an angry snarl. Before Saul could react, Rexel had charged at one of the lizardfolk and had drawn his sword. [i]That idiot![/i] Did he not see where he was right now? Did he not see the damn blood on the floor? His first instinct was to reach for his own sword and chop the captain's arm clean off. But he realized that wouldn't get him anywhere good. So instead he ran behind Rexel and moved his large powerful arms around Rexel's body before eventually tightening his grip and hopefully putting him in a full Nelson before the Captain could go on a second swing.. “You Fool!” Saul hissed into Rexel's ear. “Do you want to die?!” Rexel slips out of the hold and slams his armoured elbow back and into Saul's face, bashing his nose and sending it bleeding. "HE KILLED THEM!" he snarled, moving out of the way as the tribe warrior lunges at Rexel, snapping and lashing out with claws angrily. Still no one appeared to move as the conflict brew. Even the clansmaster watches on, eyes flickering with amusement. “You Moron! He isn't the killer, he just ate some dumb gnome- He feels the armor slam into his face and he stumbles back. Letting go of his hold on the Captain and feeling the blood start to run down his face and into his thick beard. Was it broken? Who knows and Saul didn't care at that moment, his temper flared and his eyes were set to kill. Which is why he didn't reach for his sword. Because he would try to cleave the man in half at that point. So instead he clasped his hands together to form a club of sorts and waited for a pause in the Lizardman's lunges and swipes. He didn't want to get caught in between that thing's claws. He began to run at Rexel in an attempt to ram him into the ground with the added bonus of his clasped hands clubbing the man square in the face. That would probably knock the Captain to his sense, if not out cold. He didn't say anything, nor make a rage induced roar. It was all in his eyes, set to kill, maim, murder, plunder, steal and thrive in violence. The Lizardman lunges in once more to strike, but Rexel was apparently far more skilled. He simply side-steps and allows the momentum of the warrior to carry him onto the captain's blade and impale himself. The lizardman shudders and falls to the ground, reaching numbly to his greivous wounds. The captain, caught up in his victory, spits and begins to wipe his blade. And it was at that moment that Saul's massive blow connects and knocks the captain out cold. The shaman Adissis squirms and edges closer to the ring, eyes wide on the dead man and curious of the state of the captain. S'biss, however, lets out a low grinding chortle as he claps his hands, [b]"A good show... Saul, was it?"[/b] Saul takes in a deep sigh as he begins to compose himself. One dead lizard and a knocked out military commander. This was the definition of a diplomatic nightmare. He wondered how badly he would get chewed out by some weak little politician. Then as he began to reset his crooked nose with a resounding cracking, he realized he didn't really give a damn. Nobody hit him without expecting retaliation. End of discussion. Rolling his eyes, he hoists the unconscious Captain onto one of his shoulders easily enough, even with the armor on, Saul was capable. Besides, even though Rexel was a damn fool, he wouldn't leave him here. He looks at S'biss square in the eyes, wet blood masking the lower portion of his face and making his beard sticky and unpleasant. He didn't like people knowing his name, it brought up crappy memories and a certain stigma he would always want to avoid. But the next part would be totally humiliating for Saul and he gritted his teeth at the thought of it: he lowered his head in submission and forgiveness. His feelings inside were boiling and it was plain on his face he hated it. Even so, his words were sincere. “Indeed. That is my name. My sincerest apologies for my guide's idiocy. I can try to compensate for your kins death.” Then he suddenly cocked his head backed up and looked at S'biss, his eyes back to their usual determination and fierceness. “But I still need any information on this nightkiller, and his latest victim, Erlfried.” Saul sighed quietly to himself. [i]smooth transition[/i]