What do you mean 'Some people will never change?' This suggests I started out hating elves and refuse to see them in a better light. I assure you, the opposite is true. I started out liking elves, and then I decided that dwarves just don't get enough love. Oh, and that elves are tree-hugging terrorists and choking out character creation options will hurt your RP. You personally liking elves is great. Enforcing the wood loving heathens as the only choice isn't so much. It might make sense for the area, but unless everyone has similarly defined goals, and character arcs have content set (Which happens only after accepting players anyway), and everybody fucking loves elves, you don't really have a hook. Your first line is about the new high priest being chosen. Politics. Otherwise, you've essentially told potentially interested RPers jack dick about your plans to get the ball rolling. Some of the viewers are probably dubious about that. Some just probably don't like playing elves. But good luck with this I guess.