I'M HERE! I'm back! I'm so sorry for vanishing all of a sudden! Oh my God, [b]I'm so embarrassed![/b] Not to get too personal, but I was involved in some legal troubles at my university which required my presence at a series of meetings with the disciplinary committee! Someone cheated at one of my finals exams! Horrible stuff! I'm posting this in a hurry now, but I'll get right on to reading up on things and updating/editing! [b]EDIT[/b] BerryBuns: Yes, there is still room! Please, join us! I've added a cast list in the ooc-post, at the bottom, for easy reference. All accepted characters are listed there, which is everyone who have submitted one so far! [b]EDIT 2[/b] I’ve jotted down a few notes and comments for everyone and why I accepted your character. However, I’m not going to get into what my motivations actually mean. You do not need to respond to these notes unless you want to. [hider=Bunnita] I am impressed by the volume and style of your prose. It exudes passion for your own character and idea. This can sometimes be interpreted as understated pride, but I do not feel that way with you. This format fits the character perfectly, and the character itself has a strong personality, which is also apparent in the prose itself. It gives the reader a form of metacognitive effect, as if the character is aware of its own nature. However, the way you write outside of your character is quite similar to the opposite, i.e., the style. This implies that you are playing yourself or substantial parts of yourself. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but I would be cautious with this approach. I accepted your character on the basis of style, character concept, and character personality. [/hider] [hider=Xistina] I have already said a few things about your character, but I feel that it was not enough. First, your prose and grammar are lovely. I know that I have met someone similar to Alma in real life, but I cannot remember when or where. She even looked a bit like the model for Alma, which is freaky. This has given me some personal interest in your character, which will be interesting to explore in the story. This has also led me to believe that there are actual supernatural aspects surrounding this roleplay. Spooky! I accepted your character on the basis of prose and grammar, character concept, and character complexity. [/hider] [hider=nonsequitur] First, your prose and grammar are excellent. Here is another spooky example of a character. I see a lot in myself in Joseph, especially his reaction to the hypnosis, with which I have real world experience. Joseph also seems concise and to the point, all of which are traits of my person in the real world, that is. I accepted your character on the basis of prose and grammar, character concept, and character group compatibility. [/hider] [hider=K-97] Kyle is a solid and coherent character. The only contrast is his condition, but it adds unique flavor as opposed to disruption. I also suspect that there will be more similarities between Kyle and Maya than just their conditions. There is not much else to comment on, which is a good thing in this case. As they say: when you have done something right, people won’t be sure if you have done anything at all! I accepted this character on the basis of clear character concept, character similarity, and unique contrasts. [/hider] [b]EDIT 3[/b] Updated Maya Chen with relations.