Meh, the story may not be GREAT, but I really wanted to make an RP based off everyone's favorite MOBA! Looking to see who has interest in this and if I get enough I can make an IC. I plan to get 10 people or so and stop accepting. [hider="Premise"] All is peaceful across Valoran do to the incorporation of the league. It has ended most of the countless wars that have plagued the land for ages, keeps the most dangerous of its residents off the streets, and gives shelter to some strange characters. It's been a godsend really, and the whole of Valoran looks to their champions to settle their major conflicts, rather than once again destroy their lands with the terrible rune wars. But some seek to revel in despair and death. There has been recent assassinations of summoners and other league officials. Champions remain out of danger, but those who call on them for help have been targeted for whatever reason. Four summoners have died already, and more are sure to fall. The first fell and the League kept the incident under wraps, the second fell and a champion was left in a Field of Justice without a guide, a new summoner had to quickly take his place in order to retrieve the champion and call off the match. That incident could NOT be kept under wraps, and the news of the assassinations spread through Valoran like a wild fire. A investigation has recently begun in order to find the culprit, a few elite summoners on the job. With a great tournament of champions coming up soon, the League must make sure their precious establishment of peace is kept safe. In the meantime, most champions are unsure of what their role in the future will be with the assassinations essentially threatening their lives while in the fields of justice, because without a summoner, one cannot resurrect at the fountain... With disputes to settle and a tournament to prepare for, some champions are beginning to question whether or not they are willing to risk their lives or refuse participation until the culprit is caught. Without champions, the League has no leg to stand on, what is to become of Valoran's godsend?[/hider] [hider="Player Characters"] Players will be able to choose from most of the champions in the League, but a few will be off limits. Your interpretation of the champion's personality is what you will use to roleplay them, and not the theories you may believe you have to follow. However, you have to follow their lore to the letter, as well as the relationships each champion is said to have one the website. A player can also choose to create their own champion to use. Off Limits: Void-Born Fiddlesticks Shaco Thresh Mordekaiser Aatrox Renekton Nocturne Hecarim Malzahar, Nasus, and Ashe are reserved by me. [/hider] [hider="CS"] If Canon: Champion: Who're you applying for? Personal Interpretation: What do you see them as? Stance: What is their stance on the assassinations? If Created: Champion Name: Champion Title: Age: Number isn't necessary, just their general stage in life Gender: If Applicable Signature Abilities: I.E. Blitz Rocket Grab, Kassadin Teleport, Ashe's Arrow. Weakness: What does your champion have trouble with because of their skill set? Story: What is your champions legend?! [/hider] [hider=Items] You know those items you buy at the shop? In the RP your character will be limited to what they can realistically carry. Artistically interpret the passives and actives of the items, but their stats mean NOTHING in the world of RP. SO buying Runaan's Hurricane won't make you a gattling gun, but you'll get the little floating ball :3 Example: One may buy a Zhonya's in order to put them-self in stasis. Condition: Other than the Doran's items and Generic items like dagger's and swords, there can only be one iteration of each item, so two people can't use Zhonya's. [/hider]