Kayetan folded his arms. Like the Wandering Nation, he had heard of the Well of Wishes in stories, but he had always assumed it to be just that, a story concocted by those in difficult times looking for just a reason to get through the day. Even the people who had claimed to have seen the Well firsthand often turned out to be somewhat mentally unbalanced or were just outright liars trying to con simple folk out of their money. The woman's goal, for all Kayetan knew, was about as attainable as a warm summer in the Commonwealth. Still, there was a part of him that was intrigued by her proposal. An attempt to find the Well would certainly be an adventure, even if they did not find it. It would also save him quite a bit of trouble; he had no illusions that the lady's adventure would be a short one. Chances were, it would take weeks or even months just to have themselves moving in the right direction. A long adventure would save him the trouble of having to look around for work or people to travel with every time he stepped into a new town or village. There was also the benefits should they find the Well. Kayetan had no idea what its powers were, but finding it might just be prestigious enough to wipe away his bad reputation within the Commonwealth. Even though he had been officially considered fit for duty, he was well aware that he was probably never going to lead another Commonwealth army with his current reputation. "Consider my curiosity piqued," Kayetan said at last. "But perhaps we should move to the...Bathhouses you mentioned. Details would be welcome. I do not want to be running into this blind." He groaned inwardly at the mention of a sauna. As a northerner, he was much more comfortable in colder areas. Heat made him uncomfortable at best, and at worst - such as in a desert - it could even be deadly. "But what about our friend here?" He asked and glanced at Zinzie. "I cannot in good conscience have him come along with us on an adventure when he barely has any clothes on. He would not last a week beyond the city walls."