[quote=Brovo] Yes. The pixel faces. Better than Oblivion shadow squares though. Much better. [/quote] :lol Well, with the graphic technology keep getting better, it's logical that graphics and animation of the newer series should be better than the previous. Though... seeing as I haven't play Oblivion (Skyrim being the first of TES game that I played)... 'Oblivion shadow squares'? o-O They use shadow squares for face there? [quote=Brovo] I like the Falmer though. They are very neat to find. Always a delight to fight them. [/quote] I'm not sure whether I like the Falmer or not, all I know is that trying to sneak or pass through their territory could be one of the most irritating thing in the... behind.. I become quite paranoid :what whenever I saw their hidey holes on the walls. Never knew when or which one would suddenly spew a Falmer in front of you... or on top of you...