Johannes followed the illustrious procession calmly, each step measured and perfectly executed. It would hardly do well for somebody in his position to mess up a public welcoming parade. He'd gotten lucky to be blessed by Lun, and he made sure to make good use of her gifts. Whether he was hunting the wicked, or fighting much more monstrous foes, he made good use of his abilities. However, standing behind the Children of the Dark Sun made him uneasy, perhaps for the first time in many years. Their doctrine was one he held strong judgments about. He refused to see any group or person that wished to rule the world as "good." He had a hard time seeing monarchs as such, as well. Power was a dangerous thing, and nobody was immune to the corruption it caused. He wasn't surprised in the least that he'd received an invitation from the Queen to participate in this special audience. As far as he was aware, there were perhaps three or four other of Lun's Chosen here, and one of them was a young lady of not even twenty years. Graciously accepting the invitation, he went along with the others who had been offered the same privilege, noticing one distinct individual being escorted by a group of Inquisitors. Whoever-or whatever- it was must have been powerful beyond measure before their capture. The mask this person wore intrigued the Watchman, and at the same time it made his body itch. It made him want to fight-to kill, even. Forcing his arm to stay by his side, he turned away from the mask-wearer, the muscles of his face contracting in discomfort. This situation was ugly as is. Did they really need this person here? As they entered the dining hall, Johannes instinctively took a knee and brought his fist to his chest before standing again and removing his helm, finally revealing the telltale signs of his gift. Few needed to know who or what he was. If you did, your life was going to be very long, or very, very short, courtesy of his sword and shield. Taking a seat, Johannes listened patiently to the Queen's address, his brow visibly furrowing at her speedy departure and less-than-ideal appearance. Part of him was genuinely concerned, but that was more so for the people of Aeribis than the Queen herself. A sickly, pale and fragile woman could hardly run a nation properly. Beginning his meal, he spoke up. "I understand that we are expected with one another. That idea is difficult enough for me to reconcile as is. But...whomever this individual here is," He gestured to Yithare, "I am greatly discomforted by the fact that he is chained...and has a guard the likes of which I have truly never seen. I must ask before I come to regret it: what...exactly am I looking at here? The others around me I can more or less understand. But this character is an enigma, and that fact disturbs me greatly, loathe as I am to reveal such a rudimentary weakness."