[center][b]Cease Fire[/b][/center] --- It was certain, everything was in chaos. The bodies of the dead and injured lay strewn haphazardly about the small church, be they crushed beneath rubble or sprawled out in the consecrated battlegrounds. The injured were numerous and some barely cling to consciously as they try to stop the bleeding or assist each other out of the way of swinging blades and crashing shields. For the most part, it was if Greed's call was unanswered by all but those opposing the cause of Rheinfeld's people. In the midst of the battling, where Lothar stood, Davian, Alida and Taigyn all attempted to trade blows. Alida's weapon in blocked by Davian, albeit barely as he struggles to stay on his feet. He curses them with every breath and boundless fury reflects in his eyes. Even against odds becoming increasingly stacked against him, his pride and regal air does not falter as he fights like a lion. He attempts to punish Alida for her foolish attempt, only for Taigyn to rush in and return a crushing blow in return. The betrayer gasps out in pain. Sword and shield fall limply from his hands and fall to the floor with a clatter even in the din of fighting before he crumples to the floor, helmet dented in. Taigyn pants overtop of him, tears streaming as he sizes up the fallen man. [b]”He's still alive, but he's incapacitated. Clear the rest of the scourge and betrayers.”[/b] he commands before grabbing Alida and attempting to lead her away to see to her wounds. She struggles against him, but she was barely keeping on her feet herself. And with a growled comment from the still Leader of the Templar, she gives one last defiant look before nodding. She knew she was out of the fight. The final mercenary of the Papacy's attack would have known it was hopeless, had he not been so consumed by Greed's influence. With a vicious cry, he swings his greatsword in a mighty sweep and cleaves clear through another of the Republic, their leather armour ineffective against such might. Still swept up in his relentless assault, he runs through one of the rogue templar. The templar simply looks at him, wide-eyed and shocked as he slumps upon the blade, dragging it down as blood gurgles from his lips in his death gasp. The final rogue looks at the attack with wide-eyes after watching the leader of her movement fall unconscious. She attempts to escape, only to be barred by one of her brethren she had betrayed. She stammers out, “No! No! It was not me! It was Greed! Spare me. Let me go!” They do not buy it though. Engaging her in combat, he snarls, “You are of the same scum as Davian. You will suffer the same fate, the only fate there has ever been to the betrayers of the Order. Die with honor, as you have not lived your life with it!” The remaining rogue raises arms to fight for her life. Darkness flutters across the church for the briefest of moments and air gusts about, stirring dust into small motes. A mournful horn sounds as light suddenly erupts from the arriving angel. Folding his wings, he begins to skate down the rubble walls as he cries out, [b]“Hark foul apparition and know thy end! Ye who belong naught of this realm! I call thee by thy truest of names! Greed! By the command of the one, and true King of Immortals! The might of Heaven and salvation of all! In the name of the original Angel, Lucipher, the first born of Fate and Destiny, I banish thee!”[/b] The apparition of Greed releases a shriek of sheer anger, kicking and thrashing its limbs within the golden embers etching the circle of its summonings. He goes on like this, throwing curses in every language imaginable and promising vengeance upon the angel by name. And that name was Lyriel the Repentant. And with each cry, and each spoken rite of purification from the angel, the apparition continues to fade. His form of smoke begins to dissipate. And while it was certain Lyriel was succeeding, the struggle was not yet over.