Roland stumbled into what could be considered his office, the med-bay. The beds remained neat and untouched by disturbances and the equipment on every side lay dormant. His desk sat with scattered datapads and the occasional paper that housed the team’s account information and budget, as well as a few medical books and the occasional novel. Compared to his threadbare room, this place felt more of home. Still grasping his head, he walked over to the crowded desk (only tripping on his own two feet once) and nearly collapsed from his feet to the chair; still adjusted to the highest position due to some earlier, childish decisions he had made. Fixing it, he proceeded to think about how to handle his current dilemma. He had no [i]actual[/i] medical knowledge to go on besides the many uses and benefits of medi-gel. And that’s how the medic would have solved this problem were it not for the loose amp in his skull. Despite the miracle cure being able to set bone and fix even the most sensitive of injuries, the last thing Roland wanted was for the amp to be stuck because his solution “healed” the spot where it was supposed to go. So, the question was for him: [i]What the hell am I supposed to do until we reach the Citadel?[/i] The rest of the team, he had assumed, were getting ready to board the distressed ship, and he was simply in his office trying to preoccupy himself… It made him feel rather pathetic in comparison. [i]Well,[/i] he had thought, trying to steer himself away from his usual negativity, “I could always start watching those movies…” It had been an idea that had hit him while tied up and while Kygg and Tzvi had started to beat down on those guards. It was likely to help him in the long run, and the generally low budget effects meant the flashing that would aggravate his concussion even further would be kept to a minimum. “Heh,” he said standing up to head for the lounge, “I wonder what the team would say if they came back to me watching old kung-fu movies…”