[b]Response message to [u]Consul and Commander in Cheif Voltus Ventus[/u] by [u]Richard Fortress[/u], on behalf of the HSN High Council:[/b] We thank you for the welcome and the acknowledgement of the lengths we go to keep our planet's environment completely stable and independent. However, Bycorium is the best energy source, other than antimatter, and we need very large amounts of energy. We have neither the funds or proper research to efficiently produce, contain, and use antimatter. And, Bycorium is one of our central means of government income. If we were to cut ourselves off from Bycorium, we would drop up to 35% of our profits. We will not avoid Bycorium entirely; it is the source of our success and income. However, we can replace Bycorium for Hessian purposes and ships if you supply us with the proper research, technology, and blueprints needed to produce and utilize antimatter. [b]Response message to the [u]Ventian Dramatic Association[/u] by [u]Darius Brasilia[/u]:[/b] I am speaking to represent the various City Councils that you have sent an encrypted message to. As a member of the High Council, I can speak for the various councils in our nation. To address your offer, we will allow it, and we will allocate some amount of money in the form of education grants. Any workers or people that of Ventian origin will be kept under watch while in Hessian space and on Hessian soil, for obvious reasons. We have too many Bycorium storage facilities across the planet to allow outsiders go unattended, especially those who oppose the use of Bycorium. Should we find suspicious activity, your people in our space will be watched openly. Should we find illegal activity, your people in our space will be detained and questioned. Should they be entering areas such as Bycorium mining or storage, and will not allow themselves to be detained or try to escape, they will put their lives at risk. We will not claim responsibility for anything damaged by your people; you will pay for any damages or destruction.