Without warning, the machine lunged forward towards Nafi, with a vicious Hay Maker that would have fractured a human's jaw into pieces. Luckily, she jumped back, though staggered clumsily with the sudden severity of the attack, allowing her adversary to bring another punch around. This time, the jab hit in her shoulder, and was followed by another jab into her chest. Backing up with the force of the punches, Nafi protected herself with effect, to prevent any hits to her face or head. Prosthetic cybernetics were useful in this regard, as she felt no pain when they were hit, at least at first. The droid grinned menacingly, as it was programmed to for this particular bout. "[i]I expected better than this from an organic This is just sad...[/i]" It laughed, and continued to jab and dance around her, trying to break her guard and stagger her again, Noticing her opportunity with a large, wide swing from the spar bot, Nafi expertly batted it's next attack away with her left hand, then hooked one arm into the crevasse of it's shoulder joint with her right, and judo flipped it on to it's back, slamming it into the ground sickeningly, before attempting to finish it with a drop kick to the chest. Of course, the machine rolled out of harm's way, a split second before her kick smashed into the floor, and used the flexibility and unlimited rotational force of it's hips to spin it's legs around 180 degrees, and land on it's feet as it rolled. Not missing a beat, the droid brought a fist up for a brutal uppercut, landing in Nafi's solar plexus. Shit, lethality level four IS a bit extreme, was the only thing Nafi had time to think of, winded and distracted, before the machine followed through to bring down a hammer fist of terrifying speed down on her head. This she was able to narrowly dodge, feeling the wind brush past her ear as the young girl stepped to the left, trying to find an opening. "Hopefully, whoever fixes these doesn't mind a little extra work load", was the only sentence she muttered, ducking low and pummeling it's front quite speedily with clenched fists, before swinging her leg in a round house kick, directly into the machine's chest. Might have to break this one for real.