[b][center]~Jena~[/center][/b] [b]"[i]Excuse[/i] me?!"[/b] She shouted angrily, glaring at the man standing before her. [b]"I swear to God Henry, if Dad doesn't kill you, [i]I[/i] will!"[/b] She continued, pressing her finger against his chest accusingly. [b]"B-But, Jena! I didn't [i]do[/i] anything!"[/b] Henry replied, searching around the room for any sign of an escape. Kyle walked down from upstairs, eying his two siblings with curious eyes. [b]"What'd he do now?"[/b] The blonde asked, closing his dark blue eyes as he walked past the two. [b]"I swear to you, he's the reason Jeremy dumped me! I looked into his phone. He's been sending the poor guy nasty emails!"[/b] She explained to Kyle, turning to look at him. [b]"And so what if he is? That guy wasn't good for you anyway, Jena."[/b] Kyle replied, casting a glance at Henry. Jena could only let out a disgruntled groan, her frustration maxing out. [b]"One day, I'm going to move out of this house, until you lot, and you won't be able to bother me or my [i]boyfriends[/i]!"[/b] She shouted, running out of the room, through the front door. She broke off from the path, going to her usually little hide-y hole in the woods. She and her dad had built it years back. It was her little fortress, her hobbit hole. She found the cave quickly and opened the door. She locked it behind her, knowing her brother had found out about this place long ago. Quietly and with a sigh, she walked over to the makeshift bed and laid down. [i]What sort of brother drives every boyfriend you've ever had away. It's like he's jealous I'm spending my time with someone else...[/i] She'd liked Jeremy. He was sweet, if not a bit... rude. But she could have ironed all of that out. She didn't need her brothers' help... She let out another long sigh and closed her eyes, deciding to take a nap to relax. As she fell as asleep, she felt like she was falling... falling... falling. [b]Splash.[/b] [i]What?[/i] She opened her eyes, looking around and found herself underwater. Quickly as she could, she swam to what she thought was the surface. Sure enough, with barely enough time, she managed to get to the surface without choking. She looked around as she started to tread water. The skies were very... blue and purple. There were three moons in the sky and the sole sun was setting. The trees around the river she found herself in were all sorts of colors, not all of them green. Confused but not wanting to drown, Jena swam over to the nearest shore. When she got there, she got up and walked out a bit, finding herself on a dirt road. [b]"Where the hell am I?"[/b] She asked allowed as she watched several wagons and the like go by, some even walked on foot and waved at her. With a bewildered expression, the dark brown haired Jena waved back, confused at all of this. [i]I have to be dreaming, right? Is this.. lucid dreaming? But... I'm not in control... Oh, I don't know what's going on anymore![/i] --- [b][center]~Kast~[/center][/b] [b]"Goodbye."[/b] He spoke, his yellows eyes watching as the woman left. He sighed and went back to his desk, staring down at the piles of paperwork on his desk. [i]This really is too much, I don't see how father does it.[/i] Kast leaned back in his chair and sighed, his eyes closed as he relaxed for a moment. All of Aethereus would be his in a few years. It was a scary concept, one that he often tried not to think about. His father was dying, his mother unable to rule on her own and he was the sole heir. He didn't think he was really cut out for it. He still felt too young. A 23 year old, ruling all of Aethereus? It sounded silly, like a made of tall tale. Something that could never be true. Still... He stood and walked over to his window, watching the city below with tired eyes. He ran his fingers through his dark purple hair and sighed. As far as the eye could see was Aethereus, his people. He eyed the magic academy, the regular academy, the market, the living quarters. Soon his eyes found their way down to his own palace, with it's tall walls, walls he'd never been outside of. There were servant building out by the wall as well as the guards towers and living quarters. His eye sight moved to be placed upon his mother in the garden, watering the plants. She was so young, only in her 50s, yet he felt as if she would fade away at any moment. Her reason to live was gone. [b]Long Live King Istval...[/b]