THIS IS FRIKKIN COOL!!! --- [b]Human Bio:[/b] Name: Jenny Robberson Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=]This[/url] Personality: Jenny is very playful and loves to make her friends laugh, but underneath that is all of the morbid, violent, and feral emotions that are hidden away. She either loves you or hates you, there's no grey area there. To those she cares about she's fun, hyper, hilarious, a prankster, pretty much the type of person to cheer you up within two seconds if needed. Inside she really just wants to rip apart almost everyone that annoys her even the slightest bit, like a feral lion gone on a rampage. Jenny has a fascination with the Grim Reaper, which generally creeps people out when she shows it, but what really freaks people out is her obsession with evil clowns. Not the nice ones. The ones that want to eat you in a blink of an eye with their sharp pointed teeth. Backstory: Jenny had a normal life really. Making her friends laugh, talking about random things, everything was fine, but recently her darker side has started to grow more and more. As years of highschool have been going by, her outlook on society keeps turning darker and darker. Her conclusion has been that, yes, there are some people who are great to be around, they are relatively good friends, but others that mock her, tease her, make fun of her for her odd obsessions and personality, are nothing but parasites. The only way she keeps herself from flipping out is by reading, but no one ever knows what because the book she reads has no title and is black. Skills: Parkour, flexibility (has hypermobility), and lockpicking Alter Ego: Jackie Sawbones - [b]Alter Ego Bio:[/b] Name: Jackie Sawbones Gender: Female Appearance: [url=]This, but she stands 6' 8" and has sharp teeth and claws[/url] Personality: Jackie is probably gonna be the most manipulative, sly, feral, and twisted ego you're gonna meet. She's not unstable, she's just evil. Of course, there are those few who she doesn't try to trick all the time and are considered friends. What's weird is that when she is chasing you, don't expect to look back and see her running regularly, all you're gonna get is an eyeful of her running on all fours with her [url=]sharp teeth[/url] bared at you in a twisted sadistic smile. Her teeth is mainly what gives her away at being evil, besides her height and claws... not to mention that laugh she has. Weapon(s): Her teeth and claws, that's it. Abilities: Can climb on ceilings and walls, teleportation, flexibility, and she can run/crawl extremely fast when on all fours. --- This rp looks awesome, I've been dieing to find one like this lol