It's surprisingly how far New York was allowed to falter in the ways of the corrupted, but with the rest of the world starting to succumb to the wicked influence of Hell, it was no surprising New York would finally be left to the rot. It was suspected that after time, the state began to decay, each protector falling to some new being that rose up to keep the state in dismay and spread chaos throughout. New York was a wild-land, whatever power was around could easily rise to control the many districts with influencing power. The land was perfect for Isabella to be called into. Each night she took down lower powers up to higher powers, steadily. She was beginning to grow in her own influence, the darkness was spreading out in New York, her own darkness. Her minions of the dark guarded specific points throughout the city, serving as a type of sole purposed police work, bringing down petty criminals easily and fighting off petty demons and beings that roamed about. She still needed to flush out the stronger beings within the city, and eliminate them, remaining perched on one of the taller hotel buildings within Times Square, her large red and black wings folded at her sides, shuffling slightly in a knelt position, she fingered her cross on her neck, watching into the darkness of night as her minions roamed the streets below, it was quiet...too quiet. She saw perfectly in the darkness, as clearly as anyone could see in the day, if not better, sensing the blood flow of the beings roaming about below, hearing the sounds nearby. It could be considered rather peaceful where she perched, but she was watching for something different to pop out, a warrior always had a plan of action for every deed they took, after all. Bringing down all of these lower beings throughout the city would surely bring out someone...or something more powerful, her minions scattered in the streets below served a excellent distraction for her purpose, bait.